Make My Move (Hannaford Prep #5) - J. Bree Page 0,88

Jackal’s insignia grins back at me. I hate him even fucking more.

“There is no drug to reverse a cocaine overdose. They just treat the symptoms,” Lips mumbles, loud enough that we all hear her.

“Fuck. Okay.” Avery is starting to panic and Lips looks up to meet her eyes.

“He needs an ambulance and 24-hour care until he gets through. Look, it’s not too bad.”

Harley shoots me a look so I know for sure that she’s lying and then he catches Lips’ eye, swallowing roughly at what he sees there. “Is there anything we can do while we wait?”

“Recovery position and we need to make sure he doesn’t choke on his own tongue. That’s it about all we can do in this restroom. We should call an ambulance.”


It’s my turn to look at Avery, all of the pros and cons of that option floating silently between us.

Joey doesn’t do well in ambulances or in hospitals.

The red tape that Avery will have to get through for him will be a fucking nightmare.

Senior will be fucking livid.

Lips clears her throat and says, “I’m not waiting for an ambulance, we need to move him now.”

She gestures to Harley to go with her and so Blaise and I kneel to take our places beside Joey to keep him where he needs to be. Avery locks the door behind them and then we fucking wait, watching Joey’s chest the whole goddamn time to make sure the asshole keeps breathing.

Harley hot-wires a van at Lips’ request.

It’s not a hard job or even dangerous, Avery has Haven’s CCTV tapes wiped before she’s fully seated in the fucking thing, but the fact that the Mounty knew he is a pro at this shit eats at me. Did he tell her? Are they getting closer? I’d thought he was too busy making an idiot of himself around her but maybe he is getting somewhere with her.

He’s my cousin, one of the four people I trust more than anyone or anything in this world, someone I would kill and die for… and I want to fucking bleed him out for being the one she’s going to pick.

It’s my own fault.

But I don’t care.

I’m fucking haunted by the memories of her lips on mine, of how easily she fit into my arms and the way her body molded into mine like we were made for each other.

I’m obsessed.

And I’m going to have to watch them together and pretend that it’s fine, that none of this matters and that I’m not watching the only girl who’s ever meant something to me, love someone who isn’t me.

It puts me in a foul fucking mood. When Blaise and I get Joey to the back of the van I drop him in too hard considering we’re trying to keep the asshole alive and Avery shoots me a look. I let Lips and Blaise arrange his body so he won’t suffocate on his own tongue before climbing into the back and sitting on the musty old carpeted floor. I sigh and then climb in after them, trying not to think about what the vehicle has been used for because… no, thanks.

“So, we’re criminals now? We just take things whenever we want them? I’m not sure I have enough black in my wardrobe for this, someone should have pre-warned me,” drawls Blaise as he wipes his hands on his jeans.

“We were always a little criminal, Morrison,” I scoff.

“Lips, if we can’t take him to the hospital is there somewhere else we can take him?” Avery asks, and she sounds so fucking scared I want to kick Joey all over again. Fuck. Someday, someday, I’m going to beat the fuck out of him and it’s going to feel so fucking good.

“How the fuck would she know?” I snap, too harsh but everything about tonight is fucked.

They ignore me anyway.

“Yeah. Head to the Bay. I’ll give you directions once we hit the city.”

Harley nods like this is all so fucking normal, and then the van falls silent. The roads are quiet until we hit the highway to Mounts Bay, the sounds of traffic coming through Harley’s cracked window even this early in the goddamn morning.

I notice straight away that the Mounty is feeling every goddamn bump and turn. I keep expecting her to move or to yell at Harley to slow the fuck down, but she just sits there and takes it. It’s such a fucking Mounty thing to do, something that Harley would do as well, and eventually I roll Copyright 2016 - 2024