Make My Move (Hannaford Prep #5) - J. Bree Page 0,8

to admit that I'm also interested in her take on me.

She sighs and, shuffling Blaise’s papers, replies, “Yes. His older brother is insane and his sister would destroy your will to live without breaking a sweat. Ash, here, could beat the life out of you and then run a marathon for shits and giggles. Or just pay someone else to bury you, he’s richer than god.”

No other student at Hannaford could have come up with a list that good, and I've attended school with most of them since kindergarten.


We work on all of our homework together, mostly Blaise getting help from the Mounty and the freshman flirting away at her and ignoring her shooting him down politely every time.

Guess he's not any use to her in her plans of fucking us all over.

The moment the hour is up the Mounty starts packing her shit away, eager to get the fuck away from the tension. Blaise is busy frowning at the notes she's given him, looking even more confused than when we first got here, and the freshman pounces on the Mounty like the desperate piece of shit he is.

He jerks his head in Blaise's direction and says, “How do you stay away from them if you’re tutoring him?”

I level a glare at him and it catches Blaise's attention as he slings his bag over his shoulder. Good to know we both agree on pulverizing him the moment we can.

The Mounty shrugs, her tone dismissive as she says, “I don’t. Avery is my best friend and roommate. I tutor Ash even though he hates me. Joey is hell-bent on murdering me. I’m saying you should stay away from them if you want to survive the year.”

“You think you’re tougher than me?” He grins at her and, no. Absolutely not. I'm not having him play the macho bullshit card on her.

I might fucking loathe her but she could break him in half with one arm tied behind her back.

I'd also pay to watch that, but for entirely different reasons than Harley would.

“Have you ever broken the bones in a guy’s hand in half a second one-handed?” I drawl, and when he frowns at me and shakes his head, I smirk and continue, “Then she’s tougher than you.”

He blinks at her, utterly dumbstruck at the little brawler Mounty.

“Are you here to study or to try to get into the Mounty girl’s panties because you should be warned, she only fucks crime lords,” Blaise laughs and she shoves his math workbook into his chest like that will shut him up.

Immediately, the freshman comes to her rescue. “You think you’re cool because your daddy bought your shitty punk band a record deal? Write another pathetic song about your feelings, dickhead, and stay out of my business.”

The Mounty looks fucking horrified and Blaise stiffens, but I burst out laughing, so loud that the students around us stop and stare. “They’re not going to find enough of your corpse left to get an ID by the time we’re done with you.”

“You didn’t want to take my advice at all then?”

The freshman shrugs and murmurs back to her, conspiratorially like they're the best of fucking friends, “Mounties stick together. I don’t like the way they talk to you.”

And I don't give a fuck what he wants.

The freshman needs to go.

Chapter Four


Ash’s sour mood about the Mounty only gets worse as the weeks go on.

He comes back to our room from the fight club each night pissed that Lance won’t show his face there, and there’s nothing on this Earth that Ash hates more than a coward. I think it comes from Joey being a gutless little fuck, hiding behind Senior’s money and wielding it against his siblings like the fucking psychopath he is, so the freshman’s behavior just won’t fly.

It takes Avery’s social campaign wreaking havoc on his life before Lance shows up at the fight club and Ash fucking pummels him into the ground. Harley peels him off before there’s too much permanent damage, which confuses the fuck out of me until I realize Ash hasn’t told him that this whole fucking thing is about the Mounty.

Harley would probably slit Lance’s throat in a jealous fit.

He’s getting more and more pathetic over her, chasing her tail around the school grounds, and when Ash brings it up, telling him he stinks of ‘pick-me’ energy, Harley takes a swing at his cousin for only the second time in his life.

The first time was over his mother’s locket and Joey.

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