Make My Move (Hannaford Prep #5) - J. Bree Page 0,79


He shrugs as the door opens again and Blaise walks in. “We’ll get Avery to get her a room with you up on the coast. Avery can probably talk her into it for us.”

Morrison startles at Lips’ shirt and then ushers her and Avery to the table to join us, not so discreetly rearranging himself in his jeans. I give him a savage look which he shrugs off completely, sitting down and handing out piles of photos to each of us.

I could’ve died happy not seeing this shit.

They’re fucking convincing, if I hadn’t seen the Mounty’s reaction I might even say she had to be lying because there’s zero distortion or blurring. I don’t want to puss out of doing this but fuck if I don’t wanna break something right now staring down at them.

“Fuck, Avery, don’t look at them,” snaps Ash as he tries to pry them out of her hands. She rolls her eyes and turns away from him.

“I’ve seen nudes before, Ash. I’m not happy about being forced to look at that little fuck’s dick but I’m the only person here that’s seen Lips naked besides Lips herself so I’m the best person to be looking.”

Can’t argue with that, even if I have seen a little more of her than she’d probably want to admit right now.

Morrison’s eyes flash and he purses his lips like he’s trying to seal them shut so I punch the asshole in the arm because of course he’s being a fucking creep about it.

I would probably be too if it didn’t involve Aves.

He smirks and shrugs. “I’m not even sorry; I can’t help it.”

Lips blinks at us both, still not looking at the photos in her hands. “Can’t help what?”

Avery answers as she holds one of the photos so close to her face that she must be searching it pixel by pixel for inaccuracy, always the perfectionist. “He’s being gross about how I’ve seen you naked. Boys always are.” Then she grins at Blaise and swipes her tongue over her bottom lip, a sure sign she’s about to stir some shit up. “I’ve seen her naked, dripping wet in the shower, in every piece of skimpy lace Ash picked out for her, and all sweaty and panting after a long, hard workout. Oh, I’ve also seen her in yoga poses that would make a monk weep.”

Oh, fuck.

Fucking hell, like I need those fucking visuals right the fuck now and the worst part is that something finally pings in my brain and I remember her words.

I can’t fuck a Hannaford boy.

I need to fucking know.

Ash clears his throat before I can say a word. “How exactly does this relate to what we’re doing?”

Nope, I’m not waiting around for fucking answers so I butt in, “So, about this sex ban the Jackal has you on. Is that the real reason you won’t fuck a Hannaford guy?”

Lips doesn’t even bother to look at me to answer, but I don’t blame her. She still looks queasy and her hands are shaking a little bit where she’s holding the photos. “Yes. If there’s a chance it could get back to him that I’m with someone then I can’t do it. Hannaford is a pit of snakes and no one gets laid here without the entire school hearing about it. Just not worth the risk.”

Fucking checkmate. I see Morrison’s eyes flare and I consider knocking the asshole out but Lips still seems pretty fucking oblivious to us all so I don’t want to make a scene.

If we kill the Jackal then she’s free and clear to live whatever life she wants and that life is going to be with me, god-fucking-dammit.

Avery chuckles under her breath and it’s a devious sound. “Besides, the majority of males at this school don’t know how to make it good for girls. Why risk torture and death if you’re not even going to come?”

Lips snorts with laughter at her, a sound that has no right being so endearing. “Better off doing it myself, right?”

I think the fuck not.

There’s a hundred fucking things I could say to her right now and half of them would get me murdered by Avery… the other half would air out Lips’ secrets by pointing out that she’s a virgin and has no idea what she’s missing out on. There’s so much that I would personally like to teach her about.

I want to be the one to show her everything.

She glances up at us as Avery cackles like a Copyright 2016 - 2024