Make My Move (Hannaford Prep #5) - J. Bree Page 0,73

fucking anything right now, because I can't help myself. My fingers curl around her wrist gently. Enough that she can pull away if she wants to, but she doesn't. Instead she freezes, her breath stopping dead in her chest like she's under some spell and, fuck me, I'm caught under it as well.

I don't want this moment to end.

I don't want her to walk out of here and to go back to avoiding each other.

I don't even know if she feels anything for me other than the mild tolerance she shows me.

Then she takes a step toward me, her heartbeat throbbing in the vein beneath my fingertips and I pull her into me, closer and closer until I can smell my soap on her skin. I shouldn't, I really fucking shouldn't, but I cup the back of her neck until I finally just fucking look at her.

She wants me too.

There's no hiding the blown pupils, the blush across her cheeks, and her heartbeat which is still thumping in her wrist. I'm fucking trapped by the desperation in her eyes, the need and the want drenching me until, finally, she draws in a shuddering breath and I snap.

I kiss her like I've never kissed a girl before.

I kiss her like she's the only fucking drug I'll ever need pumping through my veins, like I don't fucking care that she's going to be my downfall and that doing this is the end of everything I love and covet in my life. I kiss her like it doesn't matter that I'm betraying two of the most important and vital people in my life.

I kiss her like I love her.

She kisses me back like maybe she feels every last bit of that too.

When her teeth catch my bottom lip and tug, I grunt, my dick going from half-hard to fucking throbbing in an instant. My hands both fall to fit over the curve of her waist, not daring to touch her anywhere else yet because the second I touch her it's fucking over. I'll be tearing these clothes off of her and fucking her into the mattress like I can keep her there forever, so I force myself to slow down, stick to safer areas.

She feels too fucking good in my arms. I forget myself, groaning and lifting her up against my chest, and enjoy the feeling of her being pressed against me for a second before I flip us both over, getting her underneath me finally, fucking finally.

It takes a second, her lips still desperate against mine, but then she freezes and I know it's game over.

I squeeze my eyes shut at the same time she does; I don't want to fucking face this or the aftermath when everyone else finds out. Thank God I didn't lower myself down onto her, I didn't feel her underneath me, because the feel of her lips on mine will haunt me enough.

I don't need to know what her grinding on my dick feels like.

“I can’t,” she croaks and I nod, my eyes still shut.

Neither of us move. I expect her to shove me off but she just lets me hover over her for a second while I get my shit together. It's not the rejection that burns me, it's the fact that I wasn't strong enough to stop myself in the first place.

Now I've tasted her... no one else will ever compare.

Chapter Twenty-One


The closer we get to finals, the worse things get.

I spend half my time freaking the fuck out about trying to pass all of my classes and the other half is spent stalking Ash to make sure he really has gotten his suicidal tendencies out of his system. Waking up to find him gone wasn’t such a big deal, but I'm so fucking glad that Harley was the first one out of the door, as usual, and made the call to go looking for his cousin.

Joey was going to kill him, and Ash was going to let him.

It makes me fucking cringe about all of the times I’ve put my friends through this bullshit, how many times I’ve let myself get in over my head and let the darkness in my head push me to do something fucking stupid.

I don’t know how any of them forgive me for it because I feel fucking strung out following Ash around all day.

He fucking hates it too.

“Your obsession with me is getting out of hand. Don’t you have secret study sessions to get to or something?”

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