Make My Move (Hannaford Prep #5) - J. Bree Page 0,32

pathetic. I mean, I know it’s pathetic already but Ash doesn’t let me forget it either.

He shuts up real fucking quick when I point out how obsessively he watches her too.

The thought of her picking him or Morrison over me… fuck.

I need to make my move on her tonight but she’s so fucking… jumpy. Literally, if she watches me for too long she startles like a rabbit caught in headlights and scurries away. Floss won’t tell me a thing about her, nothing to give me a clue to why she’s like this, but at least the blushes and shudders let me know she’s into me too.

Something catches my eye and I curse under my breath.

I don’t want to fucking deal with Annabelle’s bullshit right now. I’m pissed at myself for ever touching her in the first place and now she won’t fucking leave me alone.

“It’s bad enough I have to watch Blaise leave here most nights now you’re here with her too? Come on, Harley, what are you thinking?”

My skin crawls at the sound of her voice.

The attitude is just as bad, I know she doesn’t give a fuck about Morrison. He’s nothing but dollar signs in her mind and that alone has my teeth clenching.

Lips stalking away, ready to bail on me over this has me fucking livid at the slut.

I grab the Mounty’s hand and tug her back over to my side. There’s no way I’m having her doubt me, not over this bitch. Not over anything, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life as I am about her. Whatever it takes, she’s going to be mine.

“We’re heading out to Joey’s party. Have a great night with whichever dumbass you’re all dressed up for, Summers,” I say, scathing sarcasm dripping from every word.

Annabelle’s bottom lip drops and she looks like a fucking child, none of the integrity or backbone of the Mounty. Not a fucking inch of it.

She simpers at me, reading me out a list of shit that she thinks will get her back under me but the second she puts Lips down, the second she starts to throw shit at her, what little restraint I had for this clueless cunt snaps.

“I was born in the same city as Lips. I spend all of my summer breaks there. We have friends in the same circles. When I leave Hannaford, I’m going back there. I’m as much a Mounty as she is. Give up, Summers. I’m never touching you again. I never should’ve touched you in the first place.”

I keep a firm hold of the Mounty’s hand as we walk off, even when she tries to tug it away, never once looking back at Annabelle. Lips finally relaxes when we make it down the stairs, still alert but the tension in her body has eased.

I’m still fucking furious at what the cunt said about her, so I’m sure I look positively murderous.

The party is always held in the clearing, Joey likes his shit in the same place because he’s a creature of many habits, and I grab whiskey for us to share.

She drinks it without a single flinch and fuck me, it’s the hottest fucking thing.

The eye rolls at Joey’s friends is even fucking hotter.

She deals with them like they’re nothing, something even Floss struggles with, and then we move on to dance together and actually enjoy a little of this night.

There aren’t many perks to growing up in Mounts Bay.

Knowing how to dance with her is definitely one of them.

Fuck me, that ass of hers grinding back into me… it takes all my fucking self-control not to just say ‘fuck it’ and bend her over right the fuck here. The grins and gasps that come out of her are like nothing I’ve ever heard before. I’m addicted to it, filing them away to think about and obsess over once the night is over.

If I don’t have her by the end of the night, these memories might just hold me over while I figure something else out.

She’s fucking killing me here.

Finally she spins in my arms, her chest pushing up into mine so I’m panting, and says, “Let’s get this over with.”

For a second I think she’s on the same page as I am, ready to leave this party and find the closest surface to fuck on, but then her words actually filter into my brain and nope, we’re dealing with Joey.

Fuck him and his psychopath plans.

I nod and we weave our way through the Copyright 2016 - 2024