Mail Order Sunset (Hawthorne Billionaire #4) - Farrah Lee Page 0,78

stood and started pacing. “I agree with the best facility and I have to agree with someone running the marina while I’m away. We can’t lose more business by closing.”

“I agree that would be a bad idea,” Victoria agreed. “Is that all?”

“I can’t let you spend more than that.” I stopped and looked at her. “I need to agree with who is running the marina and train them.”

“Agreed. Do you have anyone in mind?” she asked. “If not, then I have a suggestion.”

“I kinda have an idea, but I don’t know if the person is interested.” I paced again. “I could ask. Who were you thinking?”

“Your new friend Charlie, and the others could help, too.” She smiled. “I don’t know if Imogen will give up Gunner for too long, but the others are free and would love to do it.”

“How do you know that? Never mind, I already know the answer.” I sat back down. “Dad has to go right away. How soon is this bride thing?”

“It starts next weekend but, if you agree, we can get started on the marina plan and get your father going immediately.”

I stared at the table for a few breaths, then turned and hugged her. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Dear, who doesn’t like a hug now and again?” She finished her milk. “I haven’t had cold milk and fresh cookies in a while. Anyway, I insist the docks get repaired. I can’t have you over there worried that someone else will get injured.”

“That just sounds like too much money. I can’t.” I shook my head no. “That’s not fair to the other girls.”

“I promise you the other girls will be compensated equally. You don’t want your father’s friends getting hurt, do you?” She pushed her chair back and stood. “Do we have a deal?”

We looked at each other in complete silence. I could tell from her stance she was used to getting her way, but she wasn’t being too pushy. I felt like I could trust her.

“We have a deal.”

Chapter 62


I kept my camera on Asher, screaming and running at full speed, until the water got too deep to run anymore. He never looked back-- just dove in and started swimming.

“Holy cow, someone has to catch him before he drowns or gets eaten by a shark,” I got out while laughing so hard I could barely breathe.

“I’ll get him.” Lou jumped on a jet ski. “Someone go get the other two. They ran into the bush.”

I was so focused on Asher that I hadn’t seen his friends go in the opposite direction.

“Aw, come on, now I gotta find those two. What kind of instinct sends them into the bush and not the water?” Charlie nodded for Gunner to join him.

I sat on the shore filming Lou circling Asher with the jet ski, until he finally gave in and accepted the hand Lou was offering to get him on the jet ski.

“He’s gonna be pissed when he gets in here, ya know.” Robert sat on the sand next to me. “He sure was scared. Didn’t he ever think about needing something to protect himself out here?”

“On a private island?” I turned the recording off. “What would be out here? Pirates?”

“Yeah, actually. There’s lots of pirates, and not the kind with a wooden leg,” Robert got serious. “These waters are loaded with modern day pirates and they mean business. You really should consider security.”

Lou and Asher drove up on the beach before I had a chance to ask more questions. Asher wasn’t as mad as I thought he’d be. He dropped down on the shore flat on his back, panting.

“I’m not sure how or when, but I’m going to get you back for this.” He threw his arm over his face. “I almost died.”

“You didn’t almost die, boy. Actually, I’m impressed with your ability to swim that far.” Lou handed him a bottle of water. “Don’t be mad at your cousin. He had no idea we were doing that.”

“That’s true. I didn’t, but it was hilarious.” I waved my cell in front of Asher. “When you’re done dying, you have to see this video.”

“Did you plan this?” Asher’s friend Angelo demanded when he dropped to the sand.

“Yeah, I planned to scare myself so bad that I almost swam to Florida,” Asher mumbled. “I planned it so convincing that I swam out there without caring if sharks ate me just so I could scare you.”

“Who are these guys?” his other friend, Mike, groaned. “I thought Copyright 2016 - 2024