The Magpies A Psychological Thriller - By Mark Edwards Page 0,21

her, lying on the sofa. She had managed to put the TV on and was watching a makeover show.

‘How are you feeling?’

She coughed and said, ‘Not too good. It’s come on really quickly. I felt fine when I got up. Why were you so long?’

‘I had to help him get on the internet. Look, he gave me a book.’

‘Oh. For readers aged ten to fourteen. Your kind of book.’

‘And we got a card from Lucy and Chris.’

‘What for?’

‘It’s to say thanks for last night, apparently.’

She took the card from Jamie and opened it. ‘Oh God, there are rats on it.’ She closed her eyes and thrust it back at Jamie.

‘They’re mice, Kirsty. You must be ill. Look, they’re cute little mice. Squeak squeak.’

She grimaced. ‘Take it away.’

‘Shush. Chris is just out there. He’ll hear you. And you’re certainly not well enough to go into town. In fact, you ought to be in bed.’

After he had led Kirsty into the bedroom and watched her curl up beneath the quilt, Jamie went back into the living room. He picked up the card and read the message inside. It simply said To Jamie and Kirsty. Thanks. From Lucy and Chris.

He put the card on the mantelpiece. The funny thing was, Kirsty was right: the creatures on the front did look a bit like rats.

The next morning, Kirsty’s condition had worsened. She had lain awake half the night, coughing and keeping Jamie awake as well, and now she had a sore throat and a headache, and she said her bones felt like lead-lined pipes and her skin was sore. ‘I need drugs,’ she said. ‘Paracetamol, Lemsip, Anadin, cough mixture, Tunes…’

‘Then I’d better go down the shop.’

He got dressed and opened the front door.

‘I don’t believe it.’

From the bedroom, Kirsty called hoarsely, ‘What is it?’

‘Oh, nothing – my shoelace came undone. I was just over-reacting.’ He had decided to lie because he didn’t want to upset her when she was ill. There was another dead rat lying in the same spot as yesterday. In fact, it looked like the same rat. Jamie felt as if he had entered some weird time-loop, like in Groundhog Day. He crept back inside, grabbed a carrier bag and picked up the animal’s body the same way he had the day before. Then he went out to the dustbin. He had a horrible feeling that it was the same rat – but there was yesterday’s carrier bag, in the same place. He wondered how hygienic this was, putting dead rats in the dustbin. But he didn’t know what else to do with them. He dropped the second rat on top of the first and replaced the dustbin lid.

When he got back from the chemists, he noticed the front door had stopped sticking. Chris had done a good job. He would have to thank him when he next saw him.

He went into the bedroom and watched as she took a couple of spoonfuls of cough medicine. Then he went back into the kitchen to prepare a Lemsip for her. While waiting for the kettle to boil he looked out of the front window. He saw Chris come up the steps from his flat and head towards his car. Jamie hurried back outside.

‘Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for fixing the door.’

Chris nodded. ‘No problem.’

Jamie hesitated. ‘I wanted to ask you – have you ever had any problems with Mary’s cat?’

‘How do you mean?’

‘Well, we’ve had a couple of dead rats left on our doormat, and the only thing I can think of is that it’s the cat. I know it goes up and down the fire escape, and I thought it might be catching rats somewhere and bringing them in, leaving them as little presents for us.’

Chris shrugged. ‘It’s never left anything outside our door. Probably knows it would get a shovel over its head if it did. Best have a word with her upstairs, mate.’


Chris opened his car door. ‘How’s Kirsty? We could hear her coughing all night.’

‘She’s not well at all. I thought maybe she had the same cold you and Lucy had.’

‘Yeah, that was a bad one. Talk about a thumping headache. Christ. Anyway, I must shoot off. There’s an emergency at work.’

‘On a Sunday?’

‘Yeah. No peace for the wicked.’ He got into the car and wound the window down. ‘And don’t worry – you don’t owe me anything for the door.’ He drove off.

Jamie went back inside and took Kirsty her Lemsip. She was asleep. This Copyright 2016 - 2024