The Magpies A Psychological Thriller - By Mark Edwards Page 0,103

back. In fact, he was ravenous, as if all the days of abstinence were catching up with him, and his brain had suddenly discovered that his stomach was empty, apart from that boulder of dread. He drove to the supermarket and used his cash card to withdraw money from the hole in the wall. He saw his balance on screen and gulped. E.T.N. hadn’t paid him for his final month: his penalty for not giving notice before he left. Chris had probably been involved in that decision. He had just enough to stock up on food. Still, that was OK. Kirsty would be back soon. She was on extended sick leave now, as she had explained when she phoned him, but she was still being paid. And when she came back he would feel well enough to go out and find another job. It wouldn’t be too hard for someone with his skills and experience.

He pushed the trolley round the supermarket, buying all the things he liked but that Kirsty disapproved of: Pot Noodles, TV dinners, packet pasta that just required milk and water to spring magically into edible form. He bought a carton of 200 cigarettes and a large bottle of vodka. He handed over £100 and got 73 pence change. He had just enough petrol in the tank of his car to get home. He was now officially broke.

For dinner he heated up a foil carton of macaroni cheese and washed it down with a glass of neat vodka. He ate crisps and watched television. He didn’t pay much attention to what was on. His mind was elsewhere.

His mind was on Friday.

On Friday morning he went out into the hall to check the post – nothing for him – and bumped into Mary.

‘Hello,’ she said, looking him up and down in a way that made him realise he still looked a mess. ‘I haven’t seen you for a while.’

‘No. I’ve…been busy.’

‘I haven’t seen Kirsty either. How is she?’

‘She’s gone away. On holiday. With her friend Heather.’

‘And left you all on your own.’

He forced a smile. ‘Yes. But I don’t mind.’

‘I suppose she wanted a last holiday before the baby comes along.’

‘Yes. That’s right.’

‘Where’s she gone? Anywhere nice?’

‘Ibiza.’ It was the first place that popped into his head.

‘Really? Not partying too hard, I hope.’

He couldn’t cope with any more of her questions. He couldn’t cope, either, with the intense way in which she was looking at him. He had the feeling that she didn’t believe a word he had said. ‘I’ve got to get back inside,’ he said. ‘I’ve left the hob on.’

She nodded. ‘OK. I won’t keep you.’

He moved to walk by her and she said, ‘Jamie.’

He turned to go back inside.

‘If you need to talk to anyone, you can always talk to me.’

He shook his head vehemently. ‘No, I’m fine. I don’t know why you think I’m not.’ He went inside and shut the door firmly behind him.

He leaned against the door, breathing heavily, and listened to Mary go up the stairs. He heard her door shut and thought he heard her call Lennon. He looked at his watch. It was only ten-thirty in the morning. He had a whole day to kill. He couldn’t stay in all day, waiting for the men to turn up. He would go insane. But he had no money and no petrol in the car. It was raining outside. There was no-one he could go and see. He hadn’t contacted any of his friends for months. The only person he could think of was Heather, but she would probably be at work.

He scanned the bookshelves looking for a book he hadn’t read before. He saw Brian’s book – the one that had scared Kirsty. He certainly didn’t want to read anything scary. There was nothing here that he wanted to read. He checked the spines of his DVDs. There was nothing he wanted to watch either. The thought of playing a video game bored him. He felt so tense, like a polar bear going mental in its enclosure at the zoo. He had to get out. He put on the coat and went walking in the rain.

He walked all day, walked until his feet throbbed, his clothes were soaked through and even his underwear was wet. He walked along the canal, passing by people in raincoats with miserable, drenched dogs. He wandered through the deserted park, watched the ducks and swans glide across the pond. He walked and walked until it Copyright 2016 - 2024