The Magnolia League - By Katie Crouch Page 0,87

and while she might like her white zin a bit more than the next lady, let it never be said that Khaki Pettit doesn’t have breeding.

“I’m sorry, it must be too much celebrating, and I plain forgot. In the newest tradition of the Magnolia League, tonight our three youngest members are presented without their fathers. Savannah, please welcome Miss Madison Telfair, Miss Hayes Anderson, and Miss Alexandria Lee.”

The applause feels like an earthquake. The flashbulbs are like lightning. The only way I know we’ve reached the landing is because the floor is suddenly flat.

“Now,” Hayes whispers. “All together, St. James bow.”

The three of us sink gracefully to the floor, bow our heads, and then rise. Somewhere in the crowd, Dexter lets out an enormous “Boo-yah!”

“So embarrassing,” Madison mutters, but she’s loving it.

Hayes squeezes my hand. “One more flight, and then we can all have about twenty drinks,” she says under her breath.

We continue descending the stairs, and I feel like everyone in the world is cheering for us. Tonight is too much. I’m being pulled in too many different directions. I don’t know how to feel about any of it. And then, suddenly, I do know. Looking up at me, standing by the open front door, is Thaddeus.

“Didn’t I tell you?” Hayes says. “Go.”

I shove my way through the crowd and find him by the shrimp tower. “So, you came after all.”

“I’m leaving Savannah for winter break,” he says. “Backpacking somewhere. Costa Rica, maybe. Or Spain. The point is, I want you to come with me.”

This is one turn too many. I think my face goes slack. “What?” I manage to stammer. “But… you hate me.”

“I hate what you’re becoming,” he says. “And I’m going to hate whatever the Magnolias turn you into if you don’t get away from this place. And most of all, I’d hate myself if I just walked away and let it happen. But I don’t hate you.”

“I know I messed up,” I say. “I’m sorry. I was scared, and I did something stupid. It’s this place, I think.”

“Which is why we need to leave for a while. Now. Tonight.”

I grab him hard and don’t let go. I can’t talk and look him in the eye at the same time. Not after what I did.

“Okay—yes! Backpacking sounds rad.”

“You have to be sure about giving all this up before we go,” he says.

“I’m sure. Seriously. Very, very sure.”

He looks at me doubtfully. “Look, I know I really messed up and that you don’t trust me,” I tell him. “But I think—”

Oh God. Can I say this? Thaddeus folds his arms, waiting.

“I think this thing between us is real, Thaddeus. I don’t want to just give up on that.”

He doesn’t say anything—but he does kiss me. I’m so happy I want to die. Right here, right now.

“You can’t tell my sister. We’ve got to just go.”

“Well, it has to be tonight—or else I’ll never get out of here.”

He nods toward the buffet table, where Hayes, Madison, and Dex are huddled together.

“All right,” he says. “I’ll get my stuff and pick you up in an hour. We’ll have to buy our tickets by BlackBerry in the car.”

“Okay,” I say, thinking of the five hundred dollars Constance gave me. It was a nice gesture, of course, but let’s face it: Five hundred bucks isn’t going to get me much farther than Raleigh-Durham. Still, that’s the only money I have—I can’t use Miss Lee’s credit card, or she’ll find me. Speaking of which…

“Listen, don’t come to the house. My grandmother or Josie might see the car. Park off Drayton instead, and meet me at the fountain in Forsyth Park.”


I look up at him, smiling like the hugest dork in the world. “Thaddeus, I’m really happy right now. I just… I’ve never… liked someone as much as I like you.”

God, can I be more of an imbecile?

“Me too,” he says.

I pat the top of my head quickly to make sure my brain hasn’t exploded with joy.

“But this is your only chance, Alex,” he says. “If we’re leaving, we’re leaving now.”

I nod. I want to say it, but I can’t. Just say it, loser! my brain screams. Give him the L-bomb! But then I see Hayes and Madison heading toward us.

“One hour,” he says, ducking out before they flank me.

“What was that all about?” Madison says. “Did you work things out?”

I look at Thaddeus’s retreating back. I really want to spill our plan, but I can’t afford to screw up our getaway. It’s Copyright 2016 - 2024