Magical Midlife Invasion (Leveling Up #3) - K.F. Breene Page 0,39

My wings snapped out, not in control, punching a vase on a stand. It flew across the room and smashed into the wall, the pieces tinkling as they rained down onto the floor.

My dad startled, pausing with one foot on the ground floor and the other still on the step, holding the banister for support.

“Ennnnd innn…” Mr. Tom prompted.

Blend in.

It should have been in my wheelhouse, but other facets of my magic had taken precedence in my training. I was now seeing the flaw in that thinking.

“Heeeey, Daad,” I said, super nonchalant, my wings still stretched out behind me, my body covered in tough, light purple, luminescent skin that shed streaks of light whenever I moved. Although I had smaller teeth and a more reasonable jaw than the creature form of the male of the species, I still did not look in any way human. Hiding my long fingers ending in claws behind my back would do nothing to detract from the effect. Even hiding in shadows would not make this in any way normal. Not even remotely. The only thing that could be worse, I figured, was changing back right in front of him and standing around in human form while naked. Not sure if that would be worse for him or for me, but I was definitely not going to do it.

I hope he doesn’t have a heart attack, I thought without meaning to. Reducing the stress of this moment for my dad was a lot more important than seeing the prowler with my own eyes. Niamh and hopefully the guys could tell me what they saw. No one would be able to help my dad cope with this situation if it went off the rails.

Further off the rails.

He stared at me for a very long moment, the only sound the ticking of the grandfather clock behind me. Austin surged onto the property at the edge of the wood—not the rear, like I’d thought he might—still a distance away but coming fast. He’d made incredible time. He was still too late for the deer, although not too late to give my dad another polar bear peep show that hopefully wouldn’t drive him over the edge.

“Dooooin’ ‘ood?” I tried the last again. “Guh-ood?”

“Jacinta, how many times have I told you to enunciate when you speak to someone.” My dad’s foot slowly left the step and joined the other on the ground floor. He didn’t remove his hand from the banister. “Your mother has me taking something called melatonin. She claims it’s to help me sleep, but I don’t know. I’m starting to see things.” He shook his head, turning down the hallway. “Doesn’t cure my midnight hunger, either. Is there any clam dip left?”

He didn’t wait for me to catch up. Austin was nearly at the house.

I darted into the sitting room and to the guys hiding behind the curtains.

“Sheee anneee’tang?” I would’ve grimaced, if my face could contort that way, and then I changed form.

“See anything?” I asked, slipping to the side of the window and quickly looking out. I had precious little time with Austin coming closer and my dad in the middle of the whole thing. It was clear my dad would not handle the idea of magic well, I needed to keep it away from him.

“Shhom une.” Ulric pointed.


Shadows draped and pooled across the front and side yards of the house across the street from Niamh’s, still and quiet. No movement caught my eye. No glowing form.

“Gooone,” Cedric grunted out.

“Mr. Tom, see if Niamh saw it leave,” I said, getting one last look, squinting into the darkness. “If not, we’ll need to check it out. Cedric and Ulric, stay here until we call you. Don’t let my dad see you. I need clothes.”

So as not to dart past my father in the kitchen while naked, I ran upstairs, threw on some house sweats and a t-shirt, and tore back down and out the back door.

“No running in the house,” my father called after me, clearly on autopilot. Or else not caring that this was my house and he technically didn’t have the right to enforce rules.

Austin stopped at the edge of the flowers to shift before beelining for the back door. I hurried to meet him.

“Hey.” Austin grabbed my arms and raked his gaze down my body, clearly assessing me for damage. “You okay?”

Jasper flew directly overhead. He must’ve lost the trail.

“Yeah. I didn’t leave the house.” I nudged Austin to turn toward the munched Copyright 2016 - 2024