Magical Midlife Invasion (Leveling Up #3) - K.F. Breene Page 0,79

them and run, because the people in the woods were almost certainly about to make their move. Austin didn’t feel much on this property, not like the others, but he could feel that basajaun cutting through the wood, straight for the house, probably with news of an invading army that Ivy House couldn’t feel.

“You can’t house the whole forestry school, Jessie. Didn’t I tell you that earlier? You’re not a hotel.”

Jess straightened up with a clenched jaw. She turned and walked quickly toward her dad, still filling the doorway.

“Dad, they aren’t living here, they are auditioning to join my team. That team is in charge of protecting me and this house. Go look out the front window. That’s what we’re protecting it from. Soon there will be a host collecting out back as well. They’re already hiding in the woods. Both of them want to take me for my magic. Surprise! The house is magical, and now so am I. Life has gotten a little more interesting for me since the divorce.”

“Oh, horseshit. What are you saying, that you live in a place like Willy Wonka’s?”

“Yes, only less fun and with much less chocolate. Come on, it’s time for you and Mom to get to safety.”

She tried to pass him, but his expression had turned stubborn. He clearly didn’t plan on budging.

Before Austin could step in to help, he heard a small electrical sound, like a bug zapper. Her dad jolted, made a sound like “hahorr,” and danced sideways as though on strings in the hands of a drunk puppeteer.

“See what I mean?” She walked through the door. “Things aren’t as they seem.”

“What was that?” her dad called after her.

Austin put his hand on her shoulder as she reached the downstairs landing, turning her to face him. “What do you need from me to help counteract the spell? A somewhat human guinea pig?”

Her eyes softened and she laid a palm on his chest, over his heart. The world paused for a moment as he stared into her beautiful honeycomb eyes. He’d never felt so helpless as he did with her, wanting to feel her touch, wanting to earn her smiles. He was in a bad way. He needed a break from her presence if he wanted to stay sane.

First he had to see her safe.

“You already helped,” she said, her voice velvety smooth. “You and Mr. Tom. I know what I need to do.” She blinked and looked down. “Though I’ll have to figure out how. If you can keep these people off me for long enough, I can tear their spells down, and Ivy House can take up the slack.”

“No sweat,” he said, light as a feather. He was supposed to be the alpha in these parts, taking the command and leading his men and women, but with nothing more than a touch and a request, she’d just assumed the top dog role. His brother would be screaming with laughter right now.

Earl rushed up to Jessie in his purple house sweats. “I’ve gathered everyone on the backyard grass. We’re waiting for you. The basajaun is almost there.”

“I know. I feel him,” she said. “Get my mom and dad into the walls. I’ll ask Ivy House to lock them inside. Make sure they have snacks and a book or something.”

“I am not going into any walls.” Her father marched down the stairs, battle-axe in hand, his features hard.

Jess’s mother followed. “Pete, watch out with that axe. You might fall and cleave your own head in. That thing is dangerous!”

“You got people coming to burn this place down?” Pete asked Jess. “Well, I’ve been in crime-riddled neighborhoods before. I’ve made it through riots. All you need to do is show you’re not the weak one and they’ll find somewhere else to be.”

“Dad!” Jess pointed at the battle-axe. “Go put Jake back! You have no idea what you’re doing with it.”

“Oh, don’t I?” He hefted it. “I can swing one of these as good as any bat. I was MVP of our softball club. I could—”

“That was years ago, Pete,” Martha cut in.

“You guys!” Jess put up her hands. “I don’t have time for this. Dad, you are staying in this house. You are not bringing a battle-axe to a magic fight.”

Pete rolled his eyes. “What about a gun? You got a gun? The second they set foot on your property, they are fair game.”

Jess hesitated. She glanced at Earl. “Do we have a rifle? He’s actually a really good shot.”

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