Magical Midlife Dating - K.F. Breene Page 0,28

until she finds someone she wants to mate. The someone she chooses might not be a gargoyle, but I’ve heard it usually is. They are drawn to strength and power, and some gargoyles have that in spades.”

“They’re not going to just assume, right?” Fear and uncertainty coiled within me. “There won’t be…consent concerns?”

His voice turned into a hard growl. “If they harm a hair on your head, Jacinta, I will rip them apart. Literally.”

“That’s all well and good, Austin, but that isn’t going to help me avoid a bad situation. I don’t want revenge; I want to not get hurt in the first place.”

He covered my hand with his. “You’re right. Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. No, from what I’ve heard, that won’t be an issue. Just be upfront and they should back down. You…could have your pick, though, if you wanted…practice.”

That last sentence sounded as if it had been dragged out of his mouth. As though he was as reluctant to talk about it as I was.

“Yeah, let’s not open that door for discussion,” I said, looking straight ahead. “I wish Mr. Tom wouldn’t.”

“That guy is such a trip. I always think I’m going to get used to him, and then he surprises me by upping the ante of weirdness. Edgar, too. It is…really unbelievable. That crew is honest-to-God the strangest group of people I have ever met in my entire life.”

I was laughing helplessly by the time we got to the little bistro on the main drag, an Italian restaurant I hadn’t been to yet but had heard was fantastic. He stopped by the door, waited for me to take my hand back, and then stepped back to give me more space.

“So,” he said, holding my gaze.

“So,” I responded, looking around the quiet street. Then I lifted my empty hands to—hug him, maybe? I wasn’t sure, but it didn’t matter because it made me realize something. “Damn it.” I looked back toward the house. “I was in such a hurry to get out of there that I forgot all my stuff. We’re supposed to split the bill. What time is it?”

He checked his watch, a large square of technology. “Five past eight. You’re late.”

“Dang it. Can you call Mr. Tom and tell him to bring it for me, please? With my phone, obviously.”

“Here.” He reached into his back pocket and dragged out a gold money clip pinching a dull green wad. “How much do you need?”

“Oh no, don’t worry about it. I need my phone, too, so he can just bring the whole lot.”

“I’ll call, but just in case this date ends as quickly as the last one…” He slipped the folded pack of bills out as he glanced at the restaurant. “This place is pretty pricey.” He leafed a few fives and twenties out of the way before sliding out a hundred-dollar bill, and then another. He handed them over.

“No, it’s—”

“Jess, take it. If you don’t need it, great, no biggie, I’ll get it back from you. I’ll ask Niamh to drop off your clutch on her way into the bar. She has to be less embarrassing than that clown Mr. Tom—damn it. Earl.”

“Just give in.” I couldn’t help the giggles. “Just give in and call him Mr. Tom. You know you want to.”

“No,” he ground out, threatening a smile. He slipped the wad of cash back into his jeans, the material hugging his large package and muscular thighs. I didn’t know if he bought them tight to show off on purpose, but they did a great job of drawing the eyes.

“Right, but where am I going to put it…” I held the notes in my hand, looking down at my tight dress.

Austin’s eyes snagged on my bust.

“It’s not going to fit in there,” I said with a grin.

In the dim light, I just barely saw a flash of hunger in those deep blue eyes. “No, I guess not. Your shoe?”

I laughed, folded it, and threaded it into my bra. “Just kidding—there is always space for money.”

This time I was sure of it—hunger, wild and ferocious, moved within his gaze. My body warmed, then pounded, my core tightening in response.

He didn’t comment, nor did he drop his gaze.

“So,” I repeated in a strained whisper.

“I’ll see you”—he gritted his teeth, spared another glance for the restaurant, tense now, and stepped away again—“when I see you, I guess. Good luck.”

“Oh, I forgot to ask,” I called to his backside while admiring the view. The man must have been created in Copyright 2016 - 2024