Magic Trials (Half-Blood Academy #1)- Meg Xuemei X Page 0,34

your kind either, I must be some other kind, something like a witch. I’ll just pack my stuff and go to the Other Academy.”

I didn’t have any stuff. I’d be just packing myself.

I jumped up from Axel’s throne, but Zak caught me.

He held my chin with his thumb and forefinger. “You’ll stay with us. We’ll train you in person to make your power manifest. We’ll help you figure it out.”

I stared at the demigods in dismay while Paxton offered me a villainous smile.

I had a terrible feeling they’d never leave me alone and they’d never let me go, no matter what.



I was sharing a dormitory with seven other girls.

Fortunately, Demetra didn’t share the room with us. If she had, I would never have slept with both eyes closed. But Demetra and her minions holed up in the dorm across the hallway from us.

The two girls whose bunk beds neared the door were second-year students. Four other first-years had been enrolled four months ago, so Yelena and I seemed to have a lot to catch up on and a big gap to shorten.

However, I didn’t feel the pressure as much as my friend did. I was probably the only one in the Academy who had no ambition to be at the top of the class—or even to graduate—or to catch the demigods’ eyes.

I didn’t mind failing an exam. Actually, I aimed for failing.

I was born a hunter, not some Dominion drone who put up with all sorts of crap and took orders from every shitty jerk above my rank.

I definitely had issues with authority.

The demigods were welcome to kick me out at anytime or kiss my ass.

My bunkmates insisted on me showing them my mark. Finally, I caved. We weren’t senior-year students, so we weren’t granted a private bathroom. They’d catch me naked in the public bath chamber eventually.

“You don’t have any symbol on your skin, Marigold,” one of my bunkmates, Autumn, cried in alarm. “Everyone receives a power symbol on their skin to indicate which god’s house they belong to. How come you didn’t get one, even though you survived the ritual?”

“The demigods wondered the same thing,” I said drily. “For all I care what they think. Even Theodore couldn’t figure out shit.”

“Looks to me like you don’t belong to any god’s house,” said Misty, a first-year girl who was a bit meaner than the others. “You’re lucky they haven’t kicked you out.”

“I hope my luck runs out soon,” I said.

Yelena held both of my hands in sympathy. I actually didn’t like people holding my hands like that, as if I needed loads of tissues to wipe my teary face, but she was trying to offer moral support.

One did not dismiss kindness.

“An icon will eventually show up on Marigold’s shoulder,” Yelena said, defending me. “She’s just one of those late bloomers.”

“I heard the divine flame jumped on you.” Samantha, a second-year, sent me a pitiful look. “But no one knew what happened afterwards since the demigods kicked everyone out after you screamed bloody hell. What really happened?”

The girls all pricked up their ears.

I wasn’t going to confide in them. Not a damn thing. I definitely wasn’t going to tell them that two demigods kissed me and one threatened me.

They weren’t my people.

“Nothing really happened. The fire went out, and the priest sent me back here.” I yawned. “I’m going to call it a night. I have an early class tomorrow.”

The last thing I wanted was for the whole Academy to know the ritual had probably turned me into a freak. Thankfully, my bunkmates, who had short attention span, soon lost interest in me.

Yeah, I’d lived. Yet I had a bad feeling that surviving the flame was just the beginning of a series of bad things.

First off, unlike everyone else, I didn’t get a power upgrade after the Ritual of the Blood Runes. I neither rose nor fell. I just got burned.

I was also the only one who hadn’t had an orientation. And from what I’d learned so far, Yelena and I were the first years most likely to be treated as a snack between the teeth of the sharks in this predator-infested pool.

Yelena squeezed my hands one last time before she returned to her own bunk. “The most important thing is that you passed the trial. No one thought you would survive the flame, but you did.”

She meant that the clique talked shit about me afterwards. Yelena had briefed me on how Demetra had complained to no end about Copyright 2016 - 2024