Mafia's Final Play (Mafia's Obsession #3) - Summer Cooper Page 0,45

faded into black. Sleep came at last, and when Anton gently draped a blanket over her, she didn’t feel it. She also wasn’t aware of how he stood guard at the windows, watching the darkness, because he’d seen that slight movement as well. He wasn’t certain it was trouble, but his job was to protect her now, for Matteo. He would not slack in his duty.

The poor woman had been through enough and he felt for her. He watched until the sun came up and Matteo came down to start breakfast. Anton held a finger to his lips when he spotted his boss, and Matteo nodded.

They both went into the kitchen and spoke softly.

“How long has she been down here?” Matteo asked, sleep still a hoarseness in his voice.

“All night, but she slept through it. I saw something outside, then heard her moving around, so I came down to watch over her.” The big man’s voice was quiet, gentle, as he watched his boss put the coffee on and take the bacon out of the fridge.

“Thanks, Anton. Go up and get some sleep, if you want. Or do you want to eat first?”

“I’ll eat, yeah. Then, I might get some sleep, thanks.”

When Marie woke up, it was to the smell of bacon and coffee. Stretching, she smiled. She’d slept all night and someone had put a blanket over her.

When she walked into the kitchen, she saw a tired-looking Anton and a rested Matteo. It must have been the big man that had put the blanket over her. She gave him a grateful nod and then hugged her husband. “Hi, there.”

He put a kiss on her forehead and squeezed her softly before he motioned to the table. “Get some coffee and have a seat. Food’s almost ready.”

With a clear head and a rested body, Marie watched her husband as he hummed along to the radio, cooking pancakes to go with the bacon. How could she change that bright and happy face to one of exhaustion and worry? It just wouldn’t be fair. She plastered on a smile and decided to wait. She had to think about this more, but for now, she couldn’t resist his happiness. Later, she decided. She’d think about it all again later.


“The road is clear, although you might find there are some patches of black ice now that the sun has gone down.” Anton sat on the couch in the living room, ready for a night on his own with a few beers, a boxing match ready to start, and some snacks.

“Thanks, Anton,” Matteo said and took the keys to the SUV from the coffee table. “We’ll be back around 11 or 12, not sure. It depends on what she wants to do after we go to the movies.”

“Sure, I’ll keep a watch on everything here.” Anton picked up a bag of corn chips and opened them. He’d been down to the town earlier to get food and other necessities while the weather was clear.

Matteo and Marie were on their way out to dinner and a movie, and his wife was nearly dancing with excitement. She was dressed in a thick black sweater, black leggings, with her black wool coat on over that. She even had a black knit cap on her head. “You look like a burglar.”

“What?” she asked, her eyes wide with dismay. “Do I?”

“A little, but it’s sexy. Come on, my little thief, let's get out of here before the weather changes its mind again.” Matteo had learned it was possible up here, but it shouldn’t get too bad in the couple of hours they were down in town. If it did, he’d rent them a room at the local hotel and they’d stay there until the weather improved. Not a big deal really.

They went out to the SUV and were on their way down the mountain.

“I’m so excited.”

“I can tell.” He laughed softly as he drove expertly down the steep incline. “I still can’t believe you’ve never been to the movies.”

“There wasn’t any money and nobody to take me.” She repeated something she’d said before, but not with self-pity, she was simply stating a fact.

“What else haven’t you done?” he pondered out loud. He glanced at her swiftly before he put his eyes back on the road. “Have you been to a fair, to a prom? Or a club? Have you ever been to any of those?”

“No, no, no, and no. I think.” She laughed as she answered, amused at how shocked he Copyright 2016 - 2024