Mafia's Final Play (Mafia's Obsession #3) - Summer Cooper Page 0,33

don’t have a top hat to put on him.”

“No, but I don’t think he needs one.” Matteo stood back to examine the newly decorated, if somewhat plain, snowman. “Not a bad job for your first snowman.”

“How did you know that?” She looked at him quizzically.

“You grew up in Louisiana, there wasn’t anywhere to build one in New York, and you haven’t built one since we’ve been here. Logic tells me you have never made one.”

“You’re right.” She laughed and flopped back onto the ground. “I’ve never made snow angels either.”

He laughed at her comical movements as she thrashed her arms up and down at her sides. “How do you know how to make one then?”

“I’ve seen it in movies and stuff.” She very carefully stood up and walked away from the spot. “Not bad.”

“Not bad at all.” He got up and looked down at the pair of snow angels. A wary look came over his face when he turned to her. He had his hand behind his back. “I guess you’ve never had a snowball fight either?”

“Don’t you dare,” Marie cried as he lobbed a handful of snow at her face. “You dick!”

She screeched as some of the snow made its way down her scarf and onto her neck. She grabbed up a handful of snow, ran behind the snowman, and patted the snow into a ball. He’d had time to form a few more and lobbed them at her as she came out long enough to throw one snowball.

She laughed loudly when it hit him right in the chest and exploded.

“Oh, I’ll get you for that!” he called out and ran behind the car parked out front.

She ignored him as she made snowballs quickly and stuffed two each into her pockets. She had one in her hand when she broke cover and ran for the other end of the SUV. He must not have seen her move because he came around the hood to throw snowballs at the snowman. She got him with one right in the side of his head, and it broke apart on his black knit cap.

“Fuck!” he cried out when the snowball fell apart and he realized she’d got him from somewhere different. “Sneaky little cow!”

She laughed a delighted sound and ran for the other side of the car as he chased her. He was still chasing, so she threw a snowball back at him but he ducked that one. The next one caught him, but he also caught her. “Gotcha.”

“No fair! I still have snowballs left.” She tripped over something under the snow and fell to the ground. They were rolling around in the snow, giggling and kissing when Anton came outside.

“You two alright?” he asked as he looked down at them doubtfully from the porch.

“What? Yeah, we just came out to play in the snow,” Marie said right before she lobbed a snowball in his direction. It struck him right on the left shoulder and he looked down as if stunned.

His green eyes met her brown ones in complete shock. “Well, I guess this means war.”

The words came out as if he’d just pronounced war on a country, so serious, but with a tiny glint of humor that made his lips twitch.

“Oh shit,” Matteo whispered. “Get up, come on, get up.”

They both laughed as they ran for the other side of the cabin and started to build snowballs together. It was like being a kid she thought, playing in a way she’d never been able to play when she was a child. It was incredibly… fun.

“Are you ready for the pain?” Anton called out and Marie scooted to the edge of the cabin to look out. He’d built some kind of wall along the top of the hood of the SUV out of the snow and she could see him standing there. “Oh shit, Matteo. He’s built a fort!”

“No shit?!” he asked and joined her. “Well, I’ll be damned, he has. That sneaky cu… uh, bastard.”

“What do we do?” She turned to ask him just as Anton made his first shot, one that clocked her right in the back of the hood. “Fuck you, Anton! You’re little fort is going down!”

“Try it, sister. You can’t defeat me.” The little boy in him had come out to play, obviously, and she could swear she even heard him snort with laughter.

“Here, take these, aim for his fort.” Matteo had quickly made up some rather hard-packed snowballs and Marie started to throw them, one after another. Copyright 2016 - 2024