Mafia's Final Play (Mafia's Obsession #3) - Summer Cooper Page 0,29

watched the contestant on the screen make a stupid choice and scoffed at them. “Idiot.”

“Just things like my hair and stuff.” She didn’t want to say she wanted to go back to New York to see the doctor. She didn’t want him to worry, not unless there was a reason for it. For now, it would be best to keep her worries to herself.

“You can get your hair done in town.” Absently, still, he reached for her hair. “It looks fine anyway. What do you want to be done to it?”

“Just a trim.” Her eyes went back to the screen, but she couldn’t stop the way she pulled her lip in between her teeth. Or the way she frowned. He hadn’t actually answered her.

Sometimes she still felt like a prisoner because he wouldn’t answer questions she had. He’d deflect, change the subject, or make some other comment that just wasn’t an answer. It was like she was on house arrest, with only the illusion of freedom.

She frowned at her thoughts, which weren't really fair. He was trying to keep her safe, and not just because she’d been attacked. The aftermath had been rough on her, the gunshot, the ensuing internal damage, the surgery, the healing, it had all been rough on someone that had been through so much already. The stress had been immense and, luckily, he was quite aware of that.

He knew she wasn’t used to such cold temperatures either. Even if she’d spent the last winter in New York, it felt different out here, like something that you couldn’t escape sometimes. The bathroom had been cold earlier, so cold she hadn’t wanted to get into the shower. Then she didn’t want to get out of it, even though her hand had stopped trembling. The cooling of the water forced her out, though.

That meant she was a prisoner of the cold, a prisoner of Matteo’s worries, and a prisoner of her recent worries, too. The urge to get up and pace hit her, but she didn’t want to get out of the warmth of the down duvet on the bed. Matteo had found it in the closet and put it on the bed this afternoon. It made getting into the bed heavenly after her shower.

Instead of getting up to walk around the house, she turned to her husband. “Matteo?”

“Yes?” He was still watching the show and didn’t turn to look at her. Hmmm.

A quick wiggle of her right hand told her that her fingers were warm, so she slid them across his stomach until she reached the top of his pajama pants. The black fleece easily pulled away from his skin and he looked down at her, his attention now solely focused on her and where her pinky was. “Hi there.”

“Oh, you see me now?” She grinned up at him from his right side, her chin on his chest.

“I do indeed. How could I miss you when you’re being so… exploratory?” His words came out quietly, even though they were well away from the space Anton inhabited in the attic above. Matteo was a private man in many ways. Even if he liked to press his luck by continuing to fuck her just as Anton came back, as he’d done earlier.

“How long,” she paused to slide her hand lower, “are we staying in Montana?”

His breath caught and his eyebrows rose as she found his very hard cock. He was always ready for her, at even the slightest touch. Even just a few words could bring his body to life, which was something she dearly loved about him.

“Oh, I don’t know. Until the threat is neutralized, or before that maybe. It just depends on how quickly we find out who put the contract out.” The last of his sentence came out as a gasp as she began to stroke him with her hand.

“Right. So, I could make a few appointments here?” She waited for him to nod his head before she pulled away. “Thanks. That’s all I needed to know.”

The evil but naughty grin on her face as she pulled her hand out of his pants made him turn suddenly and pull her beneath him. “Is that how it is? You try to seduce me to get the information you want and once you have it, you just leave me to suffer?”

“Oh no, darling,” Marie replied as she put her arms around his neck. “I knew exactly what would happen, and this is it.”

She didn’t get to say anything else Copyright 2016 - 2024