Mafia's Final Play (Mafia's Obsession #3) - Summer Cooper Page 0,22

poured scotch into two glasses and they took them into the living room. She drank hers down in one gulp and then had a sip of her apple juice to chase the taste away. She still wasn’t used to it, but she liked the way it warmed her up.

“Well, it was just a bear, something I hadn’t thought about. It was nice to see one though, wasn’t it?” Matteo took his time with his drink, savored it as he leaned his head back against the couch.

“It was. I’ve never seen one. Snakes, nutria, beavers, rats, deer, skunks, alligators, ducks, I’ve seen all of those. Never a bear, though.” She took another drink of her juice and pulled the blanket over her legs.

“What’s a nutria?”

“Hmm. Like a mix between a rat and beaver, that’s the best way I know how to describe it. Some people make pets out of them. And end up having to buy new furniture if it’s wood.” She looked at him with a happy tilt to her eyes and took his hand in hers. “Want to go back to bed?”

“Yeah, let’s go up. I guess we’ll have to go into town now, to replace the panels. Can’t have two security breaches, can we?”

“Nope, can’t have that at all.” Marie grinned up at him as they stood up and headed for the stairs. She let him go up first, just to watch the round swell of his ass as he marched up the steps. Fuck, he had a nice ass. Perfect to hold onto, to cup in your hand and caress, and to just look at when you wanted to see a work of art.

He took an hour out of his morning, almost every day, to work on his body, to keep in shape, and ran for half an hour every evening when he bought her the treadmill. She admired his dedication and the outcome of his efforts. She reached out to pinch his left buttock, then stared up at him innocently when he turned to frown down at her.

“Did you just pinch my ass?” His frown turned to amusement almost immediately.

She blinked up at him, innocence oozing from her pores until she grinned wickedly up at him. She winked at him before she spoke. “Maybe. What are you going to do about it?”

“Oh, Marie,” he grinned as he picked her up and carried her into their bedroom. “I’m going to teach you what happens to ladies that pinch men’s bottoms. By making you come for an hour.”

“Oh, promises, promises,” she drawled as a dare, but she knew that was one promise he would most definitely keep.


They woke up late the next morning, the incident with the bear and the alarm had disturbed their sleep. Matteo watched her as she left the bed in the early morning light. She was a little hunched over as if her back hurt or her stomach. When she came back from the bathroom, he noticed that her hands shook as she brushed her hair.

“Are you alright, Marie?” he asked; concern a gentle tone in his voice.

“Yes, just a little stiff this morning that’s all. And tired after that scare last night.” She turned her head just enough to smile at him reassuringly. She turned back to the small mirror over a tall dresser and brushed out her dark hair.

He pushed himself up out of the bed and grimaced when his bare feet touched the floor. “I really need to pick up some slippers or something when we’re in town today.”

“Oh, we are going out? Good.” She flashed him a happy grin and he felt his heart thud in his chest with the pleasure of it. If that’s all it took to make her smile like that, theirs would be an easy life. The problem was, she was in danger, so getting smiles like that were more difficult than they should be.

He went out of the bedroom with a slight frown. Maybe they wouldn’t have to be so vigilant out here, especially with Anton there to help keep an eye out for threats. Maybe they could relax a little.

His worries were forgotten after he had a shower and went down to breakfast. Marie had biscuits, eggs, and sausage on the table by the time he got down. Anton was seated at the table, quietly eating his food, his eyes on the plate. She was smirking just a little and he knew she was amused with Anton.

Matteo knew the man was a holy terror Copyright 2016 - 2024