Mafia's Final Play (Mafia's Obsession #3) - Summer Cooper Page 0,12

sure you’re paid immediately for it. Oh, choose somewhere remote, but with good views for security.”

“Yep. Want me to come with?” Anton asked, his dark eyebrows quirked.

“Maybe, I’m not sure yet. Get another ticket, just in case. Yeah, do that.”

“Plane, right?”

“Yeah, it’ll be risky, so don’t land us near wherever the house is. Have a car there waiting for us. I’ll drive to the house.”

“Yep.” Anton nodded and waited. Matteo watched him and felt relief that he could trust this man at least.

“Get it done and come by this evening. I’ll be at home. Like I said, nothing online, no devices used. Go out to the airport and get the tickets if you have to.”

“No problem, boss.” Anton nodded his understanding.

“Alright. I’m going to get back to Marie. I’ll be there all day if you need me.”

“Sure, boss. I’ll be by as soon as I can. I know a place, a really good place, but it’s colder there than it is here. Pack warm.”

“Where is this place?”

“An old cop friend of my dad’s from Montana has a place out there he uses during the winter for hunting. It’ll be perfect for you.”

“Anybody know about it?” Matteo wasn’t so sure about that, it was too connected to the area.

“No, only him, his family, my dad, and me. That’s it.”

“Okay. It doesn’t sound bad. I always wanted to go out west, anyway. Never did, but always wanted to.” Matteo realized he’d picked up Anton’s habit of brief speech and shook himself. “Good. Arrange that then.”

“Got ya.” Anton knew the meeting was over then and said one last thing. “I’ll get the keys from the guy, bring them by to you later. When do you want to leave?”

“Tonight, if possible.” Matteo didn’t want to seem like a scared rabbit, but he had to get Marie away from New York, he knew that deep in his gut.

“Anything’s possible, with enough money.” Anton gave Matteo a wink and Matteo nodded.

“That I have plenty of. Give him what he wants.”

“Yep,” Anton said and waved as he headed off to his car.

Matteo got back in his own car, headed in the direction of home. He didn’t think about the fact that the word “home” now conjured up images of Marie, he’d come to accept that. It was as true as the fact that he needed air to breathe - something he couldn’t change, so why try?

With his foot on the brake at a red light, Matteo scrolled through the songs listed on the console. He found the one he wanted to listen to and pressed play. The song began that slow thumping bass that he loved as the light changed to green. It was a slow, sensual song about something he thought about often now… getting his woman off.

Tonight, if things panned out, there’d be no sex, but one night off wouldn’t hurt them. Not when it meant they would be in peace, that Marie would be in new surroundings where she’d be safe. And it would give Anton time to find out if Celeste had committed the ultimate betrayal and paid someone to murder his wife.

He would seriously lose his shit if he found out she had, but for now, he was trying to keep his cool. There were still quite a few people to consider, quite a few possibilities to cross off his list. But something in his gut told him this threat came from closer to home.

He sent Penelope a message to tell her to keep the office in order on her own for a bit, not a new occurrence, and then drove into the parking garage. As he rode up the elevator to the penthouse, he tried to picture Marie’s excitement at leaving the apartment at last and it brought a smile to his face. Her delight always pleased him. And this would truly please her.

From what he knew about Montana, which was next to nothing, he knew there would be little chance that anyone could sneak up on them. With Anton around, as an added pair of eyes, Marie would be safe. And maybe she could even go for walks outside.


Marie stared at her husband, her face blank, and her breath held. “What?”

“Pack some warm clothes, darling, we’re taking a little trip.” His eyes watched her face carefully, waiting for something. Even though he’d said it twice now, she didn’t believe him.

“No, you haven’t let me out of the house since you brought me home from the hospital. I don’t believe you’re Copyright 2016 - 2024