Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,90

and bounce back to us.

James trails behind us until we pass a pair of solid oak doors that are opened from the inside. The wedding venue is everything I could have imagined.

Snow-white drapes hang on either side of the room, and they billow ever so slightly. The candlelight casts shadows over everyone. It feels magical, and when the music starts and everyone turns, the air catches in my lungs again.

My dad is there, and it’s like a dream as he smiles at me. Everyone is smiling, looking at me, and I’m searching for Noel, but I don’t see him. My heart starts to hammer. He should be here. I want him here. My heart continues to pound until my gaze lands on the King at the front of the room.

My breath halts in my chest as my gaze clashes with Shay’s. My throat tightens as I take a step towards my future husband.

“Easy girl.” My dad takes my arm, and we begin to walk to the altar. I had almost forgotten about him.

I blush at my eagerness, but Shay is like a God, and everything around me dissolves: all I see is Shay. His lip tugs up, and he smiles at me. It nearly brings me to my knees because of what I see in his eyes. I see something that I had thought I had seen the other night—love. That’s what shines in Shay’s eyes. I can’t stop smiling as I reach him. My dad presses a kiss to my cheek as he hands me over. Flashes blink somewhere in the distance as I look up into Shay’s face.

“Wow.” His one word nearly undoes me. He leans in and steals a kiss.

“We aren’t at that part yet.” The priest has Shay leaning away, and I can’t stop the smile. A few people close by chuckle, and I meet Shay’s mother’s watery gaze. She dabs her face as she smiles, and my face aches from smiling so wide. I feel like someone has cast a spell on me.

The music ends, and the priest steps up to us. “Welcome, everyone.” He opens his arms wide. The altar behind him is dressed in a white cloth. A large gold cross with red rubies embedded in it catches my eye. The man before me recaptures it as the priest begins.

“Today, Emma Murphy.” He looks at me, and I nod my head. “And Shay O’Reagan.” Shay doesn’t look at the priest; his dark gaze never leaves me. Shay holds his head high. His dark gaze swirls with pride and love.

I want to tell him I love him, but I will have my moment if he can’t see it already in how I’m looking at him.

“Will join in matrimony. Everyone here will be a witness to this union.” This time I don’t look at the priest either. I can’t look away from Shay.

From the corner of my eye, I see one of the solid oak doors open. I don’t turn away from Shay, but chatter starts drawing everyone’s attention. The chatter spreads before it turns to panicked movements as three armed men enter the wedding venue.

The ground shifts under me, and I sway as I meet my brother’s gaze. “Noel,” I say his name in disbelief.

“I made you a promise, sister.”

No. My gaze travels to the gun in his hand. He isn’t looking at me any longer. He’s glaring at Shay.

“You planned this?” The hurt in Shay’s voice knocks me out of my shock just as shots are fired and panic tears through the room.

Shay doesn’t move as bullets fly around the room. People scream and crawl across each other. Bullets tear up the altar, the cup of red wine splashes across my dress, and I scream as I watch the wine soak in like blood.

“Stop!” My roar is no match for the panic in the room. But I see Noel with his gun raised. I’m shaking my head. I’m running towards him, holding out both hands. “No!” But it doesn’t matter how loudly I scream. He’s focused on one person.


“Noel, no!” I’m being pushed back as panicked people try to scramble for exits. More shots are fired, but I’m screaming at Noel.


It’s like he can’t see me anymore. My brother raises his arm, and with a look devoid of everything but pure hate, he pulls the trigger.

I’m spinning and turning as Shay’s hands clutch over his heart where he was just shot. I’m screaming as I watch him fall, and the moment he hits Copyright 2016 - 2024