Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,87


“How’s Jack?” I ask as I sit on the desk and light a cigarette.

“What do you want, Shay?” There is no pretense in Liam’s voice, so I drop mine, too.

“You can’t have a seat in the North.”

Liam opens his suit jacket and places his hands in his trousers pockets. “Is that so? Are you walking away from our deal? That’s a shame.”

“Not quite. You can’t have a seat in the North. But I still want a seat in the South.”

Liam doesn’t react, and I’m watching for any sign of how he’s reacting to this. He’s impossible to read.

“That wasn’t the deal.”

“It is now.” I stand up.

Liam shows the first signs of irritation. “You offered a seat in the North for one in the South. What am I missing?”

“I offered to marry Emma to secure a seat in the South. That part I will keep to. The North is off the table.”

I take a final puff of my cigarette before I stub it out in the crystal ashtray. My fingers are itchy to pick it up and place the butt in my flask, but I don’t.

Liam doesn’t say anything, waiting for me to explain my confidence. He’s a clever man.

“The day Cian died, I was there.”

“I know that, Shay.” Liam removes his hands from his pockets and re-buttons his suit jacket.

“I shot him in the head,” I admit. I still feel no remorse for what I did. His neck was broken. He was my way into the South, and I took it.

Liam’s eyes light up in surprise. It’s the first time I’ve caught him off guard, and I keep going, hoping to drive home my point.

“His neck was broken from the fall he took off the balcony when Maeve pushed him.”

The surprise leaves Liam’s eyes, and my gut tightens. He knows this already.

“Jack covered it up. I helped.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“You don’t get your seat in the North, and the truth about Cian will be buried.”

“I’m sure you told Jack that it was buried when he convinced me of this deal in the first place.”

I step up to Liam. “This is the last time I’ll mention it. If it comes out, I’m fucked too.”

Liam doesn’t move a muscle, and once again, I have no idea how well this is going until he speaks.


Too easy.

“You keep your seat in the South, as long as this knowledge is buried right now.”

Now it’s my turn to wait and hear what the catch is.

“Do we have a deal?” Liam holds out his hand, and I don’t take it. Not having any resistance honestly frightens me.

“If anything happens to me, this knowledge will end up in Shane’s lap.”

Liam smiles. “I didn’t think it would go any other way with you, Shay.” He keeps his hand held out.

“Nothing happens to Emma,” I add before placing my hand in Liam’s.

We shake on it. “This is over, Shay. My son’s name will never be associated with Cian’s again.” Liam tightens his hold on my hand, crushing my fingers.

“Yes.” I agree.

He releases me. “Well, if that’s all.”

I don’t feel settled, but I don’t know what else to say. I nod.

Liam pauses at the door, and a part of me is relieved. I want the other shoe to drop now so I can deal with the fallout.

“Good news.” He turns to me while still holding the handle of the door. “You don’t have to marry Emma.”

“Why?” I try not to sound so shocked, but I can’t hide it.

“Her brother wants her back.”

“And you agreed to that?”

Liam smiles, and it chills me to the bone. “I’m not an unreasonable man, Shay.”

Like fuck. He pulls the door closed behind him, and I’m left fucking stumped. I stay in the office for a while, retracing over our conversation. It had gone exactly how I had wanted, but I’m not happy. I’m not happy with how easily it went, and I’m not happy with his final comment about Emma.

I sit back down behind the desk and place the cigarette butt in my flask.

I’m not sure how long I sit there when another knock sounds. I’m not in the mood to see anyone else.

It’s Emma. She steps in and looks around. “He’s gone?” She asks.

“Yeah.” I’m looking at her now, and I should tell her that she’s free.

She closes the door and pulls the cream jumper down over her knuckles. Red silky curls bounce around her face. Her green eyes focus on me, and I can tell she’s nervous.

“What did he want?” She asks Copyright 2016 - 2024