Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,85

him with?”

“Something Jack did. I know something that could get Jack killed.” It isn’t true. Jack covered it up, and so did I. It was something his girlfriend, Maeve did, and that I would use to get out of this mess.

“Blackmailing Liam isn’t wise.”

I nod. I know my da is right. The last time I did it, he tricked me.

“I won’t allow Emma to die.”

My da is really looking at me. “She means that much to you?”

She did, but I can’t tell him that truth either.

“I refuse to watch another innocent person die, Da.”

My da grips my shoulder again. He’s looking at me from under his brow. “Frankie wasn’t your fault, son. Amanda took him, and now she’s dead. I want you to find peace.”

My da wasn’t sentimental, and I’m tempted to laugh, but his face remains serious.

Peace is reserved for people like Emma, not for people like me.

“We’d better go,” I say.

My da releases me. “Be safe.”

We say our goodbyes, and some scared part of me doesn’t want to leave the warmth of my parents’ kitchen and their protection. I often feel like a boy again, one whom my da would protect.

But now it’s my time to protect them. I’m no longer the boy who looked up to his da. I’m a man.


I don’t see Lucian as I return to the apartment and pack. Emma packs all the clothes she got, and we leave. All the way back, I know I have to put as much distance as possible between Emma and me. Right now, she’s asleep; her features are so soft. Each time I look at her, I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my face; each time, I have to remove a curl that’s fallen into her face.

I drive until the sky darkens. Emma stirs when we are nearly home. She sits up and rubs her eyes.

“There’s a sandwich and drink in the bag.” I point at her feet. I had stopped an hour ago and got us some food.

Emma takes out the water and drinks deeply. “Where are we?”

“We just entered Navan. We should be there in thirty minutes.” I can’t say home. It doesn’t feel like home. Home is North.

Emma nibbles on the sandwich. “I can’t believe I slept for so long.”

“You were tired.” I keep my words short.

Emma focuses on her food, and the silence stretches as we near the house. I slow down along the back road. Her clothes that had been thrown across the drive are no longer there. Lights are on in the house. I keep driving up the drive while opening the glove compartment and taking out a gun.

“What is it?” Emma’s words are low. “Is someone there?”

I pull up close to the front door. “I don’t know.”

The minute we stop, the front door opens, and a man I’ve never seen before comes out. I keep the gun on my lap and roll down the window.

“Mr. O’Reagan?”

“That would be me,” I say with a smile as I take the safety off the gun.

“I’m William, your new butler. We have been awaiting your return.”

I don’t put the gun away as he moves down the steps.

“Your father rang ahead to say you were coming.”

That was my next question. I put the safety back on the gun.

“The bags are in the trunk.” I hit the button on the dash, and the trunk opens. William calls over his shoulder, and a young version of him comes out, gives me a quick nod before helping William.

“I think you can put the gun away.” Emma’s hand touches my leg, and I glance down at it before looking back up at her.

She removes her hand. I slip the gun into the band of my trousers and turn off the car. Inside, three security men are waiting for us.

They are all new faces, and each one of them will be fired in the morning, including William and his son. I would pick my own staff, not snitches from Liam.

“We don’t need anything tonight. You can all go home.” I say as the last bag is placed in the hall.

No one moves.

“Now.” I open the door and smile at them. They file out, one at a time. Once they are gone, I almost regret it as I know I’m alone with Emma, who’s standing behind me.

“You didn’t have to be so rude to them.”

“Tomorrow, you can pick your own staff. All of them were selected by Liam.” I explain without looking at her. “Now, get some rest. I’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024