Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,60

say louder, and she looks up. For the first time, her face displays some sympathy.

The two men who had taken me from Shay’s apartment arrive. One of them doesn’t slow as his hand grips mine, and I’m hustled along.

The hallway reminds me of a hotel. Red carpet and endless doors sprawl out before me. Groans erupt from one of the doors we pass, and something beyond fear takes root. I’m turning. I’m running. I’m panicking.

I don’t see beanie guy as I run straight into his waiting arm that impacts my throat. The ground sucks me up and extracts all the air as the space around me grows dark. I almost welcome the darkness. I can’t face my worst thoughts.

I’m in a brothel, and I’m going to be raped.



“Where is she?”

The room is filled with men turning to me as I walk toward Lucian. He’s sitting at the head of the table. Documents spread out in front of him. He doesn’t look up at me as he moves papers around with his index finger.

“I’m in the middle of a meeting, Mr. O’Reagan.”

All eyes are on me, and I honestly don’t give two fucks. “Just tell me where Emma is.”

I’ve garnered Lucian’s attention as we stare at each other for a beat. I’m ready to drag him across the fucking table. Self-preservation has me stuffing my hands in my pockets.

“Give us a moment.” Every man rises at the command, and it’s a brief reminder of my place here. But no one else had the power or access to Emma, only Lucian. If he disrespected me, then I would disrespect him.

Each man that passes in their suits and well-polished shoes glances at me. Most with curled-up noses that are begging to be smashed in. They didn’t grow up like me. None of these men are like me. They come from education; they are respected members of the community. If people really saw under the masks and suits, most of them would be locked up.

The double doors close behind us. Lucian has returned to moving sheets of paper on the table. “First, you should knock.” He glances at me, but I’m in no fucking mood.

“You had no right going near her.” I cut in.

Lucian sits back in his chair. “You forget your place here, Shay.”

“I want her back.”

“Still, you forget your place.” Lucian stands, and I pick a spot on the wall, so I don’t attack him.

“You came here only yesterday requesting to have power over the square.” Lucian walks toward me. “I told you I’d look into it. Yet, you went and sought out Amanda.”

I remove my hands from my pockets. If they swing, I hope they swing fast and hard. “You are keeping tabs on me?” I grin.

“It's necessary when it comes to you, Shay.” Lucian steps closer, and sometimes I forget that we are the same age. He acts older, more put together than I am, but in a fight, I’d win.

“Chief Commandant, where is Emma?” I use his title. I use her name. Since she is missing, he must know who she is.

Lucian steps away from me. “I don’t know.” The lies pour from his mouth, and I’m moving. The gun in the back of my trousers is cold against my flesh.

“Shay, think before you act.” His voice is low but has an effect on me. I pause and leave the gun where it is. If I did anything to him, I wouldn’t get out of this room alive, and even if I managed to, I would never get the answers I seek.

Lucian sits back down. “Now, on your way out, you can tell the men to come back in.”

I clench my jaw, knowing it would take something drastic to make him talk, and I can’t afford to do that.

His eyes slowly rise to me. “Now, Shay.”

He wields his power like a fucking burning sword. One day I would take the fucker down and shove the sword up his ass. Today isn’t that day. I give him a nod. “Yes, Chief Commandant.”

His jaw tightens at my mocking tone as I leave the wanker to his papers. Opening the double doors, I don’t tell his men to go back into him. They fall silent as I approach and move over for me as I make my way back to my apartment.

The bathroom sends fear skittering up my back. I kneel down and examine the contents on the ground. I have no idea what I’m looking for, but nothing makes sense. Copyright 2016 - 2024