Mafia King (Young Irish Rebels #2) - Vi Carter Page 0,29

don’t. I’m Emily.” Emma reaches out her hand, and Michelle looks at it before she takes it.

“She’s a runaway I picked up,” I explain to Michelle as I devour her soup.

Michelle doesn’t say anything but refills my soup and brings it back to the table with some of her brown bread.

“I only have one spare bed.”

I dip the brown bread into the soup. “You have a drifter?”

“You know these walls don’t talk.” Michelle leans in and places a hand on my cheek. “I’ve missed you, son.”

“I’ve missed your soup.” I smile back at Michelle, and she half laughs as she removes her hand from my face. She returns to the stove, and Emma leans in.

“You took me to your mom’s?”

That would never happen.

“He’s not my son. But he may as well be,” Michelle answers, and Emma’s face turns red at being caught whispering.

“It’s just you said, son.”

Michelle half faces Emma. “It’s an endearment we use here. Where are you from?”

“She’s from the south. Near Wicklow.” I keep somewhat to the truth. Michelle returns to the stove. “So, are you going to tell me who else is staying here?”

I drain the second bowl of soup as Michelle returns to the table, but she doesn’t sit down.

She won’t say. “Do I need to avoid anyone?” I ask instead.

Her smile softens her features. Lines gather around the corner of her eyes from years of laughing and smiling. Michelle’s safehouse was one I used the most, even if I wasn’t hiding. She never asks what we are running from, only glad that we ran to her.

“You're always avoiding someone, Shay. But no, she isn’t here.”


Michelle doesn’t bite, and I drop it. “Now, let me show you to your room.” Michelle leans in on the table as her attention goes to Emma.

“I’m sorry, but you will have to share. I’m all filled up.”

“That’s okay.” Emma’s voice is small, and I’m tempted to look at her, but I don’t. I rise from the table, and Emma does too. Her bowl is empty, and that makes me happier than it should.

We follow Michelle to the back of the small house. This is the smallest room—a single bed with a storage box at the end. The wardrobe holds hand-me-downs and leftovers. I know if I move it and lift three floorboards, I’ll find a bag of guns, fresh passports, and money.

“I’ll get more blankets and pillows.”

I shrug out of my jacket. Emma folds her arms across her chest. Her eyes grow round with uncertainty. Dark circles under her eyes have me wanting to lift her onto the bed.

“I’ll sleep on the floor,” I say.

She nods without looking at me and walks over to the bed, and sits down. “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.”

A grin tugs at my lips at how easily she put me on the floor. I did let her sleep in a wardrobe.

“Now, I’ll just leave these here.” Michelle places a duvet and two pillows on the bed.

“I’ll just grab Emily some clothes, and then I’ll be out of your hair.”

Emma doesn’t move from the bed as she takes in the room around her. I’m sure she’s not used to a room so small and under-furnished.

“It’s only for the night,” I say as I open the wardrobe and take out fresh clothes for myself.

“And then what happens tomorrow?”

“I’m not sure yet.” I hadn’t really thought that far ahead. I knew staying here would give me time to think about what I was doing, and no one would look for us here. I’m sure by now they were already searching. I just wish I was there to see the look on Liam’s face. All of Emma’s clothes were still scattered across the front lawn, and after Jack seeing Emma tied up, they would think the worst.

“Now, here’s a few bits that should fit your tiny frame.” Michelle hands a bundle of clothes to Emma.

“Thanks, Michelle.” I close the wardrobe expecting her to leave, but she’s holding the door in her hands; it’s slightly ajar. “The other visitor is back a bit earlier than I thought; I’d advise you to stay in your room.”

“Is that so?” I ask, dragging a dark navy jumper on.

“Yeah, it is so. I knew it was you. Just from the smell.”

The mouthy blonde steps around Michelle and into my room. I want to tell Siobhan to fuck off, but I’m very aware of Emma in the room.

“Ah, Siobhan. If I had known you were staying here, I would have brought you Copyright 2016 - 2024