Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,6

the hallway. Ismerlda’s bulky guard is posted outside a storage room door. He’s not paying much attention to me personally, only my vicinity, as he should. His body tenses once I approach him, and I nearly grin but manage to refrain, well aware this’ll be a bit of fun at his expense. “Out of the way, bloke.”

His dark, steely gaze meets mine, and after a blip, he realizes just who the fuck I am. Mad Max to anyone who doesn’t belong to my inside circle. He clears his throat and I can see it; the wanker doesn’t want to defy me. He’s a prick, this one. His mistress gave him orders, and so help me, he better take up for her side. I’ll kill him regardless, but it’ll be less painful if he abides by his orders. “I can’t do that, Mr. Macintosh. She doesn’t want to be disturbed, and I don’t want to be fired.”

A rumble stirs in my chest. “Ah, a bit of respect. I can appreciate that, but it won’t save your sorry arse. Now, you’ll take me to my alluring fiancée or I’ll slit your throat in the very spot you stand in.” My threat weighs heavy in comparison to him being fired. Death or jobless, there isn’t much of a comparison, unless your life is meaningless without your work. I highly doubt that’s the case with this bloke—it typically isn’t.

With a quick dip of his head, he relents, then turns and opens the door. It’s a small space, enough for him to manage to squeeze through and then stupidly attempt to slam the door closed in my face. His effort is fruitless as I’d anticipated it before the thought ever had a chance to occur to his pea-sized brain. You don’t get to where I am by being a stupid prick, and these intolerant arses never seem to realize as much. Probably why I end up a bit rage-y at the lot of them.

“Bloody fucking idiot,” I mutter with a curse and kick the door before it’s shut all the way. It slams into the man, catching him off guard. It stuns him long enough for me to slide inside. “You mucked up, fella,” I state and slam my forehead into his.

It dazes the dumb arse, and I use it to my advantage, spinning his back to me. Reaching around him, my blade slides out of my cuff and I swiftly slide it across his throat. Blood splashes over my fingers, while the remaining messily streams down his neck. It quickly coats his crisp, white shirt, turning it crimson. I release him to fall to the floor and step back to admire my handiwork. It truly takes skill to manage what I do, I mentally pat myself on the back for being a badass bloke.

Ismerlda’s toffee irises widen as she’s just witnessed me murder her guard in front of her. A low moan escapes her, drawing my attention to the tosser on his knees in front of her. The fitted emerald evening gown her curves were encased in earlier is now pulled up around her waist. Her panties are missing… if she was ever wearing any in the first place. She fists the guy’s hair, keeping his face to her pussy, and breathily demands, “Don’t stop. He can wait.”

Perhaps our marriage won’t be so boring after all. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one in need of a proper shag. However, this is not the way to go about it, especially not without irritating me. I do give her points for creativity. She’s shocked me and that’s not an easy feat. “Oh, he’ll stop, darling, that much is a promise.” I stalk towards her, ready to prove my point and kill him as well if necessary. This marriage will be anything but lackluster, I can see it now, and it only entices me further to wreak a bit of havoc on her world.

She glares, the feminine glower only provoking me further. With a huff, she argues while grinding her pussy into the man’s face. “I may’ve agreed to marry you to help my famiglia out, but it doesn’t mean this will be a real marriage.” Her red fingernail flashes back and forth between the two of us, but it only has me picturing it scraping over my flesh. “I’ll do as I please when I please. My father gets security, while you and I each get more money out of this deal. You’re pretty enough. I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024