Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,48

still going a million miles a moment, and I feel a little sick to my stomach, but I survived. I knew Max was bad, cruel even, but legit the Henchman? That sounds so cryptic. And cool.

I’mma buy some mirrors just to

put ‘em on the ceiling, sowhen I wake up,

I see the realist motherfucker breathing.


“Who the bloody hell was it? Are they dead? They’ll pay.” I pepper the questions as soon as Tyson answers his mobile. He’d texted briefly, updating me on his and Ismerlda’s ride to the flat. Someone has lost their ever-loving mind, coming after a member of Joker’s crew and my wife. Not only is she linked to me, but her father is at the Table of the Five Families. Although there aren’t that many families left to fill those spots, many outsiders don’t know that just yet.

It’s still surreal to call her my wife…It just happened and yet there’s already trouble for her. Fuck. She’ll hate me for sure. I should’ve known something would go down. Bloody fucking arseholes threatening someone they think is close to me. They’ll die for this, the entire lot of them behind this mess.

“I’m not sure, mate. The fuckstick came at us, ruined my Vanquish. We’re fine, but the car’s a proper mess. No fixing it. May as well scrap the metal,” he grumbles, put off about the damn vehicle.

“I couldn’t be fucked if the car made it or not. I’m talking vengeance, bloke, so cough up the details. That’s my bird they came after.” It’s a good thing this is happening over the phone. If I had to deal with his moping in person, I may end up hitting him, and pissing Joker right the fuck off. He’s my mate, but he’s protective over us all, doesn’t enjoy fighting amongst his crew.

“I don’t know if they’re dead. The woman blasted them, and I put the pedal to the floor to get her the fuck out of there. I didn’t want your new wife to get hurt more so than she already is.”

“Bollocks, what a fucking mess. What happened to her exactly? How did she get a gun? Tell me everything,” I order and attempt to hold in my rage as he lays it all out for me. I have a proper lesson in store for the tosser who’s responsible. He must be a special type of stupid.

Tyson does as I ask and I find myself turning to Thaddaeus, uncertain on what I should think. She bloody well shot the bugger who’d chased them down. What kind of woman did I marry? I knew she was stubborn from the first time I met her, then she threw me for a loop when she took the warehouse and torture in stride…but now, I find out from Tyson that they were chased down as well. Instead of curling up on the floorboard, she’d taken his gun and shot at the other vehicle. I’ve been underestimating her the entire time she’s been in my life.

I fill Thaddaeus in on what went down, hoping he’ll offer up his insight without me having to request it. “I’ve married a G, mate,” I mutter, my voice filled with a touch of awe. “Should I be checking my bollocks? Has she come to take them from me as well?”

He snickers. “Only you, Max, would end up with a woman as lethal and take charge as you. This will make an entertaining marriage, that I don’t doubt for a second.”

Cage grunts, giving me shit. “How will this work in the bedroom? Does she make you suck her cock?”

“Oh sod off.” I shoot him the finger and settle my attention back on my best mate.

T’s quiet, thoughtful as he gauges my mood over everything. Sammi Morelli lay at our feet, his blood a dark, messy puddle around his body. Should’ve known the wanker would be weak in the end. So much for the Morelli Capo being untouchable. He was nothing but a disgrace to the name.

Dante Vendetti and his brother followed Sammi back to his safe house and we showed up shortly after. The Vendetti dog didn’t stick around to watch Joker carve his uncle up, just asked we let him know when the man stopped breathing so we could move forward with the takeover plans. The only family left at the table is Ismerlda’s, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to steer them away from killing her parents before I’m ready to pull that trigger. Those Vendettis are impatient tossers.

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