Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,39

accepts your terms of peace and agrees to hold up his end of the bargain. You give me the information I seek, I kill whomever I see fit and in the end, only two names remain at the Table of the Five Famiglias.”

“Thaddaeus Morelli and Matteo Vendetti,” I respond for everyone, tilting my head towards T. This is all for him. Vendetti may be at the table alongside him for the time being, but there’s no mistake in my mind that the Joker will run Chicago. He’s already feared and respected throughout the city, but this turn of events will finally shoot him to where he wants and deserves to be.

Thaddaeus finally breaks his silence. “This is the beginning to a strong partnership. Many doors will be opened with us being at peace and at the table together.”

“My Capo agrees. I’ll finish out the task of taking out the entire famiglia lines of the Five as ordered. I’ll remain in Chicago, of course, as the Vendetti seat and acting liaison between you and the Vendetti Empire.”

“I look forward to doing business with you.” T holds out his hand across the table as he stands. Dante shakes it, repeating the sentiment. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, my wife needs me. Maximillian has the information you’ve been searching for and he can offer some assistance if you require it as well. Until next time.”

“Next time,” Dante agrees, and we take our seats as the boss leaves us behind. “You have what I need?” he asks, not wasting another moment. I expect he doesn’t enjoy my presence as much as I don’t his.

I nod and share, “I killed Marco Vittorio. As well as his entire family, bunch of whiny babbling pricks. Should’ve been done long ago.”

He bristles, which is exactly the opposite of what I was anticipating. “That wasn’t the deal. We agreed to locations and intel.”

My muscles tighten at his gruff tone. He should be thanking me for doing his dirty work, not getting his knickers in a wad. “We agreed to help you find the locations, as well as hunt the family bloodlines down. I did exactly that. I took one out in good faith towards this deal.”

“Hm,” he grunts. “No. You killed some Italians without handing over their information and whereabouts first.”

“Oh bloody hell. I don’t know why you’re getting testy over it. I damn well did your job for you. A little thanks would be appreciated.”

“You won’t be hearing it from me, ever. I expect you to notify me first when you have Morelli’s location. I want to see him die with my own eyes, not just take your word for it. Things don’t work that way in my famiglia.”

“Fine. I can pause in my torture or kidnapping and ring you before moving on,” I respond sarcastically. This fella is something else, that much is clear. “I’ve taken out Marco Vittorio, and I have Vincenzo Castelano under my thumb. You’ve killed Nicolosi Lucchese, and you hold the other position at the table. The only one we’re missing is Sammi Morelli, and I have a feeling we’ll have to wait him out before he hints to his whereabouts.”

“Si, I agree. He’ll keep a low profile until he believes he’s in the clear. If he hears of Vittorio’s death, do you believe he’ll run?”

“He’s been invited to my wedding. It’ll be extremely disrespectful if he doesn’t show his face. I’m expecting him throughout the festivities at some point, to flex his authority amongst the crew and provoke Joker in the very least. Perhaps it would be smart if you came as well. You’ll be less distracted and can watch for him. We need someone on his tail. I don’t know when we’ll be offered another opportunity like this one.”

“I can do that. My brother is visiting as well, so he’ll be at the wedding with me. He’s good to have if we do catch Morelli on the move.”

“Ruthless?” I can’t help but wonder if the elusive Capo dei capi of New York will be extending his presence to Chicago now that we’ve settled on a temporary peace agreement. I’m intrigued by the man so many revere untouchable.

“Not the Capo, Santino the sixth.”

I’ve never met him before either. I’ve found out as much as possible about the Vendettis and I know the sixth brother is a soldier for the family. He’s a made man that’s nothing more than his older brother’s dog, taking orders and doing as he’s told. I’ve been there Copyright 2016 - 2024