Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,26

that was loyal to me alone. I went my separate way, creating a different name for myself in Chicago. Morelli was put to rest, and Joker came out to handle business.”

“The Empire has heard of you and your hold on the city, regardless of the Table of the Five Famiglia’s influence. So let me get this straight, you want to unseat Sammi Morelli because of this? Because you were cast out and are owed your own retribution?”

Thaddaeus shakes his head, continuing, “No. I know my grandfather made those decisions based on syndicate business, and I accepted my punishment many years ago. He needed someone he could trust on the streets, and I gave him that out to make me into his bad guy. We both benefitted from his decision. My issue is something else entirely, somewhat deeper.” He exhales.

A new development has been bothering him a great deal, stabbing at his very soul. Finally, we’re in the position to do something about it. Hopefully, my best mate finds some solace in what’s to come, whether if it’s by Dante’s hand or one of ours—mine preferably. This will end how it should, I’ll make sure of it. Dante continues to listen respectfully, and I calm a bit inside towards him.

“I want Sammi gone because he’s committed an atrocity far worse in my eyes. It’s recently come to my attention that he’s the sole reason my grandfather died. He’s responsible for taking his life before it was his time to go. After that was discovered, my crew went digging deeper.” His stare skirts from me to the others on our side of the table, before finding Dante’s once more.

“Sammi Morelli killed my father. He’s also the one who ordered the hit on my mother. I’d say this revenge is extremely personal.”

Dante lets out a quiet whistle, and curses. “Cazzo.”

“And once he’s aware I know all of it, he’ll come for my wife next. He’ll make me watch as he tortures her and then murders her before he ever kills me. You see, I understand your Capo’s ferocity more than you realize. I have my own rage building, more and more with each day Sammi still breathes in my city.”

“I need to talk to my Capo,” Dante concedes. “We may be able to work something out because of this…situation.”

I exhale in relief. As much as I enjoy killing, I wasn’t in the mood to go to war today.

Someone I loved once gave me a box

full of darkness. It took me years to

understand that this too, was a gift.

– Marry Oliver

I open the door to one of the dingy old warehouses the Chicago Crew owns, ignoring the men posted around the room as I enter. They’re used to me popping in to hurt various pricks, and having to clean up my messes afterwards. It’s the prime location to torture, situated outside the city, surrounded by thick trees. I head for the tiny room off to the side with a drain in the middle. Shoving the door inward, it announces my presence with a loud screech. It’s fine; I wasn’t attempting to be quiet.

My gaze finds Ismerlda instantly. There’s some sort of unexplainable pull she has over me and it pisses me right the fuck off. Her eyes are wild as they meet mine, and dare I say it, but relief briefly flashes through her expression. Another mistake on her part, thinking I’m here to save her. I’m no hero, never have been.

“I had to gag her. She was spitting and biting,” the random thug I sent to nab her informs me as I look my fiancée over. My stare flies to her mouth, noticing the thick strip of leather between her lips that’s tied behind her head. Even mussed up and gagged, she manages to look positively breathtaking.

That must be uncomfortable. I ponder over what I want to do next. “Close the door on your way out,” I order and hear the knob click in his absence. I stroll to Ismerlda, reaching behind her head to remove the leather. I’m guessing it belonged to someone’s belt. They’re fortunate they kept it over her mouth and didn’t discipline her with it. I’d be carving them up in here if that were the case.

While she’s a sight to behold gagged, I want to hear and feel her outrage in every moment. With the leather gone, she moves her mouth around, staring wearily at me. She licks her lips and coughs before asking, “How did you know Copyright 2016 - 2024