Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,23

force—Joker, me, Cage, Dillion, and Tyson. Andre and some lower-grade thugs are posted outside the high-rise building in case reinforcements are called to come in and take us out. I didn’t want them coming inside with us. We have to do this face-to-face with Dante before the bullets have a chance to fly. As soon as my guy messaged me where Dante was headed, I called the others so we could have a sit-down without worrying about being sabotaged. T knew my plan, so he was ready for it, while I can tell the others are a bit stunned I managed to corner Vendetti.

Dante’s not expecting to be interrupted today, but did he think he’d slaughter people in our city and never be confronted about it? As I mentioned before, I’ve kept my trail on him from the moment I discovered he was in town. With everything going on, I’m glad I did. We need a sit-down before he manages to kill any others. This also gives me the chance I need to discuss Ismerlda.

“Ah, Dante the Devil,” I murmur darkly, taking a step in front of Joker. No way am I allowing him to get hurt, even if the arse can hold his own. Grace already drives me batshit. Lord knows if her husband were injured I’d never hear the end of it. I’ll keep my sanity and risk getting shot by Dante instead.

“Mad Max,” he grunts before flicking his dead gaze behind me. “Joker, Tyson, Cage, and Dillion. This must be a special occasion, if you’re all here to greet me together. Count me lucky after all.” He appears entirely unimpressed by the force of us, and that has my respect growing a touch in his direction. We’re a broody lot and not many men can handle us all at once when they’re left alone.

“Why’d you break into this office building?” I question, drawing his attention to me, stealing it from the others. If he’s concentrating on me, then it’ll give the others plenty of time to check the room out and watch Dante’s mannerisms.

“Why do you think? To bake cookies, obviously. You wouldn’t know much about that though, huh, Brit?”

“Why do people call me that as if it’s meant to be an insult?” I ask no one in particular. “It’s a bloody bullshit thing to do. Besides, I thought you Italians were supposed to be welcoming and all. I’m sensing a bit of hostility and I haven’t the slightest idea why. I’m not here guns blazing, nor offending anyone, just merely came for a chat.”

Dante grunts. The tension in the air crackles around us, just waiting for one of us to lose our temper and paint the room red. Not a difficult feat amongst a pack of ravenous wolves out for the blood of an enemy.

I continue, “I’ve heard you’ve been on a hunt. I doubt you fancy office buildings, so there must be some poor wanker around here that you want. You’re a bit blood thirsty, eh, bloke?”

“I’m not your bloke. What I choose to do is none of your business, none of you.” He flicks his dim stare to the others before landing back on me.

“Ah-ah, that’s where you’re wrong. You see, we have many shared interests. For example, all these rotten old bastards that sit at the table of the Five.” That catches his full attention. “We’re not so different. We want them dead too.”

“Puttana miseria,” he grunts.

I couldn’t be fucked with what the Italian words mean so I shrug. “Sure.”

Joker barks out a cough behind me, but keeps his thoughts to himself. I’m guessing my answer had nothing to do with whatever Dante said. I’m a bit stunned Thaddaeus is letting me take the lead on this one. Usually, his bossy arse is the one front and center. I’m sure if it were Matteo Vendetti, the head of the prominent Empire family, I wouldn’t be the one doing the talking at the moment. But from what I’ve heard, the other Vendetti would’ve killed me already. I wonder if the rumors about him are true or if they’ve been embellished.

“I’m thinking we may be able to help each other out. I’m assuming since you’re here and not in the right place, that you haven’t been able to locate the final three.”

“I work alone.” He doesn’t so much as flinch when I take a step towards him and that’s saying something. The guy is outnumbered, and I didn’t see any backup outside when we came Copyright 2016 - 2024