Mad Max - Sapphire Knight Page 0,19

Joker’s freaking henchman.

“You’re married.”

“I wasn’t implying someone else. Danny’s plumbing equipment knows exactly how to make me scream with satisfaction.” She finishes her statement off with a saucy wink, the minx.

I make the sign of the cross, not wanting to touch that comment.

“We have this new game where I pretend my pipes are clogged and he shows up with a dildo to unclog me.” She goes to continue, but I interrupt.

A snort escapes me as I shake my head. “TMI. Maybe you should’ve gone home for your lunch break.” I’ve known Danny since I was six. We went to St. Mary’s Academy together, same as Giovanna. Her and I have always been somewhat close, so I’ve grown to look at Danny in the brotherly, or rather, cousinly fashion. He’s a plumber, and the references she makes about his job and their sexcapades has me not being able to call him in the future if I need a plumber.

“Stop deflecting, Isa. How was the kiss? I need details on the tongue action.”


“Always.” She fluffs her curly mahogany locks, her dark, shapely brows raised as she waits.

“Ugh, I’m so disgusted with myself to admit this aloud. It was on the earth-shattering side of the line, as far as kisses go.” I end it with my hand to my forehead. I’m going to regret fessing up; she won’t let it go.

“Hot damn, I knew it! You two have chemistry and it’s throwing you off your usual ways. No more boy toys. You’re wifey-ed up.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I scowl and sit forward, pulling up the search bar on my laptop. I type in his name and hit enter. I’ve googled him before, but I was in a hurry and didn’t investigate much. I’m from one of the most prominent Mafia famiglias in Chicago, our line has a seat at the infamous ‘table,’ so excuse me if I wasn’t too concerned with who this guy is exactly. I’ve heard of him in passing; anyone with mob ties in this city has.

The same goes for Joker and the rest of his crew. They’re not exactly saints, and not too long ago, the papers were splashed with their names and accusations. Supposedly, there was a shootout downtown and one of Joker’s uncles was killed in the midst of the violence. There’s so much crime in the city, though, I’d have never paid it any mind, but my father pointed it out to me since the building’s not far from my job. He was concerned about me being caught up in the gunfire on my daily commute, but I was fine, thankfully.

“Come on, you’re going to make me say it? You’re not exactly warm and welcoming when it comes to men. I can’t recall the last time you had an actual boyfriend either.”

I shrug, not offended in the slightest by what she’s shared. I already know as much. “I’m aware of what I like and what most men around here want. I don’t need a boyfriend for any of that. They’re a headache.”

“And what exactly do they want?”

“To fuck, of course, which I’m perfectly fine with. I welcome it, in fact, but the disappointing reality is they don’t know how to please me. I’d rather find a guy and have him lick my pussy so I get off and then not have to do the messy relationship stuff and worry about him being satisfied. Sometimes, less is more in this case.” Max is definitely more. Probably why he throws me off-kilter in his presence.

She sighs, shooting me a soft look. “You’re jaded, but it’s okay. I still love you, and now you get to bypass all of that stuff anyway. Maybe marrying Maximillian is exactly the blessing you needed to come along. Don’t shut him out too soon. He may surprise you. Lord knows he has sex god written all over that lush body tucked away in his three-piece suit.”

“He’s more like the plague, causing dead bodies to drop in his wake. I don’t need that pompous man for anything—not even his tongue.”

She stands, pushing her skirt back into place. “Just throwing it out there…but if he can kiss ‘earth shatteringly’ good,” she mocks me, changing her voice to sound like mine, “can you imagine how amazing he fucks?” She trots her confident ass out of my office, leaving me stuck on her question.


Now I can’t stop thinking about it. With Max’s tall frame and wide chest, his confidence and strength…Christ on a cracker, I bet Copyright 2016 - 2024