The Lying Game Complete Collection - Sara Shepard Page 0,104

her. Then a warm tickle, like someone’s breath on the back of her neck. Emma swung around, her heart in her throat, but found herself staring into the empty garage. Then, out the narrow square windows, she caught sight of an SUV slowly passing by the Mercers’ house. She ran to the windows and looked out, recognizing the white Lincoln SUV immediately. And this time she also recognized the two faces behind the windshield.

It was the Twitter Twins.

Chapter 10

Fish Out of Water

Plink. Plink.

Emma shot up in Sutton’s bed. The moon cast a silver slant of light across the carpet. The screen saver on Sutton’s computer was playing a slideshow of photographs of happy Lying Game sleepovers. Sutton’s flat-screen TV was tuned to an episode of The Daily Show. The Bell Jar, which Emma was rereading after she and Ethan had discussed it last week, sat overturned on the nightstand. The door to the hall was closed tight. Everything was exactly where Emma had left it when she’d gone to bed.


The sound was coming from the window. Emma threw back the covers. Just last week, she’d had a dream that had begun exactly like this. When she’d looked out the window in the dream, Becky stood in the driveway. Warning her. Telling her to be careful. And then she’d vanished.

Emma hesitantly padded to the window and peered out. The streetlight made a soft golden circle on the prickly pear cactus beside the sidewalk. Laurel’s Jetta was parked directly below. Sure enough, someone stood in the driveway beneath the basketball court. She half expected it to be Becky, but then the figure stepped into the light, arm aimed to pitch another rock at the window.

It was Ethan.

She inhaled sharply and moved away from the window. She pulled on a heather-gray bra under Sutton’s see-through camisole and kicked her bare legs into a pair of striped pajama pants. Then she reappeared at the glass, waved, and hefted open the window. Mrs. Mercer hadn’t locked it yet, and it gave easily. The night air was stiflingly hot without the faintest trace of wind.

“Have you heard of using your phone instead of a rock?” she called softly.

Ethan squinted up at her. “Can you come out?”

Emma listened for sounds in the hallway—a toilet flushing, Drake’s jingling tags, anything. The Mercers would kill her for sneaking out the very day she’d been caught stealing. But there was only silence. She lifted the window higher and shimmied out.

A thick tree branch extended toward the roof; Emma grabbed it easily and swung to the ground. No wonder Sutton used this as an escape route. She dropped to the gravel and headed toward Ethan, a smile on her face.

But Ethan wasn’t smiling back. “What on earth got into you? Have you lost your mind?”

“Shhh.” Emma glanced around. The neighborhood was eerily still, all lights off, cars silent in driveways. “It was the only way I could get into the police station.”

“Why did you want to do that?”

Emma sat down on the big boulder in front of the Mercers’ house. “I had to see Sutton’s police file.”

As Emma told Ethan about the police report and the incident at the train tracks, his eyes bulged wider and wider. “Sutton put everyone’s lives at risk,” Emma finished. “And something happened to Gabby that night. She went to the hospital.”

“Whoa.” Ethan sank down on the boulder next to her. “And no one told on Sutton?”

“According to the report, no.” Their legs were just barely touching; Emma could feel the tough fabric of his jeans through her thin pajama pants.

Ethan turned his phone over in his hands. “Why do you think they kept quiet?”

“I don’t know. The train prank was serious. They all could have died,” she said, watching a shadow pass across the window of a neighboring house. “Maybe they wanted to give Sutton a taste of her own medicine?”

“Through a prank . . . or something else?”

A chill coursed through Emma’s veins. “You said yourself that Sutton’s friends looked like they wanted to kill her the night of the snuff film, right?”

Ethan gazed down the street, his top teeth sinking into his bottom lip. “That’s what it looked like to me,” he finally said. “Even though they said it was a prank, Sutton seemed really scared.”

“Sounds like payback,” Emma said.

Ethan had a better memory of that night than I did. When I’d seen Ethan standing over me, I’d felt woozy and vulnerable. If only I could remember the hours and days after the Copyright 2016 - 2024