Luring Light - K.E. Osborn Page 0,1


I was down in the lower bunker with Ivy all the time, spending hours with her. Fuck, I was even laughing with her at one point. Don’t ask me how, but I was even opening up to her, letting my guard down, showing her the real me. The problem is, if I let my guard down too fucking much, I’m concerned about what I could do to her.

And now. Well, now she’s off with that fucking pussy, Dash, while I spend my time drinking and trying not to have her enter my mind every three point five seconds. It doesn’t work for a majority of the time, especially when her sister, Eva, is up here. They look alike, but not so similar it’s jarring, but certainly enough for my chest to clench.

I’m drowning in a sea of Cuban goddesses, and nothing is helping to ease the goddamn pain.

So, this is where I’m at.

Ivy’s downstairs with Dash caring for the ‘crop.’

Nycto and Eva are madly in love, prepping for the Labor Day festivities at the beginning of next week.

And me, well, I’m wandering around aimlessly trying to find something to curb my appetite. Because all I can think about right now is Ivy, and how much I want to go down those stairs to be with her. Sure, sex is forefront in my mind, but hanging out with her was fucking awesome too. She brought something out in me, something I didn’t know was even there. Now with shit strained between us—which is all my doing—I’m not even sure how to approach Ivy.

As I stroll through the clubhouse, I spy Nycto and Eva getting a little too fucking hands-on for my liking. Nycto nibbles on Eva’s earlobe with his teeth while they’re practically dry humping in the middle of the room for everyone to witness. Nycto whispers something in her ear making me curl up my lip. “Get a fucking room,” I call out, walking past them and into the kitchen.

I need to get away, their PDA is only increasing my desire to go to Ivy more fucking intense.

But Ivy’s with Dash.

Their relationship right now is developing into something I don’t even want to fucking comprehend. The thought of him being with her makes my muscles tense so damn tight, it’s like I’m being electrocuted.

Pulling open the refrigerator, I stare aimlessly inside.

I don’t even know what I’m searching for.

A cure for my sins.

An answer to life’s problems.

Fuck! I’d happily take a punch to the head to knock me the fuck out right about now to ease my mind.

“Void… you wanna tell me what’s so fucking interesting in the fridge?” Nycto calls out from behind me.

He startles me so much, I turn quickly, slamming the refrigerator closed so hard it rocks with the force. I’m angry, but it’s not directed at him. I fold my arms over my chest, scowling in contempt at myself more than anything else. Then I can’t help the word vomit that erupts from my mouth. “Why the fuck is Dash helping Ivy downstairs? I thought he was learning to be a mechanic, not a fucking magical weed horticulturist.”

Nycto’s face lightens a little like he’s amused by my outburst. “You done?”

I glare, my eyes see red. “Am I done? No, I’m not fucking done! I don’t understand why Ivy’s always fucking laughing at his lame attempt at humor. He’s a fucking kid.”

“Mm-hmm… anything else?”

I throw my hands in the air, frustration overwhelming me. “As a matter of fact, fucking yes. Dash is trouble. We need to kick him the fuck out. He doesn’t deserve a damn patch. I won’t vote yes at the table. So, that little prick may as well leave now.”

Nycto shakes his head, but I see anger building inside him, looking at his closed fists. “Okay, you’re done! Dash is due his patch. I get the table has to be unanimous, but the kid has earned it. He took a fucking bullet for Sage when he was with her at the safehouse. Kid’s got balls. We need brothers like him.”

Huffing, I turn and start pacing. “Don’t care.”

“This isn’t about Dash at all, is it?”

I stall, glaring at Nycto. “The fuck it isn’t—”

“Then what’s your fucking reasoning? All I see is jealousy.” A scoff mixed with a groan leaves my mouth as I restart my rapid pacing. “You can’t deny the man a patch because he’s spending time with Ivy.”

“I don’t have to stand here listening to this bullshit from you, of all people.” I turn Copyright 2016 - 2024