The Lure of the Devil (The Demons' Muse #4) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,36

over Sam's legs so I could escape the bed.

He caught my waist as I straddled him. "Sia, don't make them feel bad. This has been a long time coming."

"Not gonna," I promised as I stretched to give him a peck on the lips. "I was more thinking that I might talk him down. Go back to sleep, Sam."

He flopped back and turned to snuggle into the pillow as soon as I was off of him. With a shy little smile, Ron moved closer, taking up my spot, and Bel shifted in as well. While I pulled on my pants, I paused to appreciate them. Pink, purple, and black, they looked amazingly good together. There was also a level of acceptance that I'd never imagined was possible.

It wasn't attraction between them, per se. It was more that they simply didn't see anything wrong with physical contact for no reason. Human girls were that way. We hugged and clasped each other for almost any reason as teens, but as we aged, we learned to do it less and less. Boys grew out of it by the time they were in middle school. That made it even sweeter to see men who'd lived billions of years together so at ease with their bodies.

Yeah, and if I was honest with myself, it was pretty sexy, too. Those guys in the same bed were like an assortment of beautiful. We had the lithe and ethereal-looking Ronwe, the athletic glory of Samyaza, and the powerful sensuality of Beelzebub. I couldn't decide which one I liked most, and the best part was that I didn't have to. They were all mine, in their own way. They were also each other's, which made it even better.

But if we were in our own bodies, that meant Nick had been experimenting with the bubble. Last night, he'd promised not to make any changes if he couldn't undo them. So, as I slipped out of my room alone, I tried to convince myself that this would be ok. He wouldn't have forgotten about Ron, would he?

The main house was empty. The kitchen was just a little too spotless, which made me think they'd cleaned up to hide what had happened there. If I knew my guys, both Nick and Luke were probably feeling very awkward and doing their best to pretend they weren't. Working aether together would be their best distraction. Yet when I made it outside, I found Nick sitting alone at the table, flipping through one of Ron's books. He no longer looked like a fairy, either.

"Hey?" I said when I was halfway there.

He smiled first, then closed the book and looked up. "It was easier than I expected," he explained. "I pushed a rune into the pattern for home, and it just clicked in." Then he wobbled his head from one side to the other. "And that took about six hours to make happen."

"Did you sleep at all?" I asked.

He sighed. "Not really."

"Uh-huh." I took the chair across from him. "And where's Luke?"

A look flickered across his face that could only be described as wistful. "Coffee and donuts. We, uh..."

"Sam told me," I assured him. "And I'm happy for you."

He reached across the table to clasp my hand. "Are you really?"

"Aren't you?" I countered.

His eyes flicked up to find mine, and they were filled with the stars I remembered. "I don't really know what I'm doing."

"Then why are you doing it?" I asked.

He just stared at me for long enough that I realized he didn't have an answer. "I thought this was what you wanted."

I lifted his hand to my lips. "Nick, I want you to be happy. However you need to be happy. The same way you want me to be happy. You don't have to fuck men if you're not into it. You don't have to do anything but be my demon, ok?"

"I wanted to," he admitted, "but that doesn't mean I know what I'm doing."

"We never really do, huh? Personally, I just make it up as I go along." And I let go of his hand so I could slide around beside him. "Things with Luke didn't go well?"

"The first time was a little intense," he admitted. "The second was better. More kissing, less pushing."

"Wanna know something funny?" I asked. "Ironic funny, not haha funny."

"Sure," he agreed.

"When I left my room, I was thinking that it was so amazing how those three are so comfortable with each other. Billions of years, they've lived together, and Copyright 2016 - 2024