The Lure of the Devil (The Demons' Muse #4) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,208

her chin. "Too busy with your newest 'friend' to check your phone?"

"Hailey," he said, trying to sound offended. "You can't be mad about that, can you? I mean, the news started saying it was going to be late - and it was. I figured that meant watching nothing was kinda pointless. You get any pictures?"

She stared at him blankly. This is what he always did, and she always fell for it. He tried to make it sound like he'd just been hanging out with friends, that nothing had happened, but she knew better. Miles didn't have a clue that she'd seen him two nights ago with his newest "friend." Of course, he didn't. He'd been too engrossed in getting his hands higher up her shirt with his mouth plastered to hers, to even notice Hailey at that party. She'd thought she'd surprise him by showing up to one of his typical hangouts. She thought she was trying to make things work by taking more of an interest in his life. Instead, she'd caught him making out with yet another girl she'd never heard of before.

And now, listening to him twist the conversation to make him sound almost sensible, she realized the truth. This was just what Miles thought was normal. He wasn't even ashamed of what he'd done. He also thought she was too stupid to have a clue.

"Stop." She lifted her hands between them and stepped away. "Just stop, Miles. Stop talking. Stop acting like there's nothing wrong. I don't want to see you ever again, get it? I'm tired of this game, and I'm not going to play it anymore."

"Hailey!" He stepped closer and grabbed her wrists. "C'mon, baby. You can't do this to me. I mean, with that ship landing, I'm just so freaked out. You can't leave me alone, can you?" Which meant he only was talking to her because he needed a place to crash.

Well, hers wasn't going to be it this time. "Yeah. I can," she told him.

Pulling her hands free, she walked quickly toward the street without looking back. Her rubber soles slapped against the pavement in frustration, and she lengthened her strides. What the hell was he thinking? She didn't deserve to be treated like a backup plan. So what if she wasn't the prettiest girl in the world? That didn't mean she couldn't find someone better. Maybe not hotter, but still better. She'd almost convinced herself to keep going when Miles grabbed her again, shoving her against the wall.

"You don't fucking walk off on me," he hissed, shaking her with each word.

"Let go!"

She tried to pull away, but Miles was angry. For the first time, he didn't look annoyed, he looked downright pissed. His fingers dug into her arms, bruising her even as she struggled to get away. Glancing around in a panic, she realized that no one else was around. The line to the store, only about fifty feet away, had dried up. A handful of cars could be heard in the distance, but it had to be almost eleven by now. The sleepy little seaside town had gone to bed for the night.

Miles leaned in close, his eyes flooded with anger. "Do not ever think you can just dump me. I introduced you to my friends. I took you to my parties. People know we're a couple, so you will not embarrass me like this."

"Yeah?" she asked, not knowing when to shut up. "Do they wonder why you're making out with every bitch that'll spread her legs, or do they think it's normal for your girlfriend to not give a shit?"

He shoved her again, hard enough for her head to bounce off the brick. Stars burst at the edge of her vision, but he still refused to let go. Just as Hailey was ready to start screaming for help, a deep voice spoke up.

"You think that is going to help?" he asked.

Miles's head snapped around to see who was speaking. No more than ten paces away, the guy from the coffee shop leaned against the building across from them. His arms were folded across his dark hoodie, his baggy jeans crinkled where his legs were crossed. His mouth twitched in a lazy smile, then he gestured toward the couple, his finger drawing a circle in their direction.

"Pushing her around like that. You think that's going to make her more attracted to you?" he clarified.

"Fuck off," Miles snapped. "This isn't any of your business." He grabbed Hailey's arm and tried Copyright 2016 - 2024