The Lure of the Devil (The Demons' Muse #4) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,139

a lot of offers to join their fraternity, and I can have a drink to get my nerves under control. Is that a good idea or a horrible one?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me," he agreed. "Why Delta Alpha Kappa?"

"Because it's pretty much the only other fraternity on campus that I know the Greek letters for." I gave him my best innocent smile.

Luke chuckled. "Okay, let's agree to hit up the first frat house we come across, regardless of the letters. Deal?"

"This means you're going to buy me a drink when we get there?"

"Definitely," he agreed, then offered his arm again.

I wrapped my fingers around it, grasping his muscular forearm. "I think you have yourself a deal, angel. But you know walking in heels isn’t exactly easy."

Luke didn't say a word. His smile was the only hint I got before he stepped back and then slid sideways through the corridor. When we stepped out, we were at the end of Greek Row, on the opposite side from where we would've shown up if we had walked. All the way down the entire block, people were visible. Most of them were holding red solo cups. Those who weren't either had a bottle in their hand, a can, or had stumbled onto the ground and lost whatever they had claimed as their drink. In other words, this was the height of the college party scene.

"And for tonight," Luke said as he steered me to the house on our left, "you are my girlfriend. If any of these guys hit on you, you have a boyfriend." As we walked, he looked down at me. "And I will prove it to anyone if I have to. It's just us, Sia. That means we have no lines."

So I dropped his arm and slipped my arm around his waist. "Then stop acting like some idiot from the eighteen hundreds, Lucifer."

With a chuckle, he wrapped his arm around me, sliding it down until his palm rested on my ass. "How about another deal?"

"Name it," I said, because I knew better than to agree to anything without hearing about first.

"Let's see which one of us deserves to be known as the Devil. The kind, sweet little girl - or Lucifer." And he lifted a brow in that smug little way he loved so much.

"Oh, now that is a deal I can't refuse. Hope you can keep up, Luke." And I let him go to jog up the stairs, weaving between a pair of guys at the door to get inside.

Almost immediately, one of the frat guys offered me a drink. I waved him off, unwilling to take anything I hadn't seen poured - I wasn’t an idiot, after all - and asked where the kitchen was. He pointed, so I headed that way. Behind me, Luke had a little more trouble getting inside. They wanted to know what fraternity he was with, who he was rushing with, or if he was interested.

That gave me enough time to grab a bottle of beer for him and a bottle of hard cider for me. It wasn't exactly the most potent of drinks, but I didn't really want to get drunk. Not if we were planning to play with angels. However, I did want to take a little of this edge off. I was nervous, but it had more to do with mingling than it did with finding our enemy.

When I had the drinks, I had to make my way back to the door to rescue Luke. "Here, honey," I said as I passed him the bottle of beer.

He reached over one of the guy's heads to take it. "Thanks, babe." Then he looked at the guys on either side of them. "You gonna let me in, or what?"

The guy who'd offered me the drink when I first came in looked a little confused. "Are you two really together? Or is he just stalking you?"

I reached over to press my palm against his bicep. "That's really sweet of you to look out for me, but that's my boyfriend. I'm trying to convince him that he should be in a fraternity, but he said he wanted to see them all first."

The other guy just laughed and stepped back. "Well, come on in. Feel free to look around, and if you like what you see, come talk to me. Name’s Josh."

Luke shoved his way between them. "Thanks. Don't count on it, but thanks."

Then he darted in behind me, wrapping an arm around Copyright 2016 - 2024