The Lure of the Devil (The Demons' Muse #4) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,116

is the one we should be worried about, not me. Or hopefully, she'll prove that she's just as normal as I am? Not necessarily perfect, but willing to try, you know?"

"But that won't make me feel better," Bel said. "It doesn't make the hurt go away."

"Neither did giving me a second chance," I reminded him. "How many times did I hurt you because I simply didn't understand that living the way we are now was really allowed?"

"A few," he admitted.

So I scooted closer to Ron, making room on the bed so Bel could recline beside me. "But you gave me another chance, and I kinda figured out that I was an idiot, huh?"

Bel rolled closer so he could sweep the hair away from my face. "You are not an idiot. You were just scared, and I wanted to protect you."

"What if God's scared?" I asked him. "What if she needs us to protect her?"

Ron huffed out a breath. "I never considered that. God's supposed to be..."

"All-powerful and perfect," I finished for him. "Yeah, I know. And the Devil isn't supposed to be nervous about taking what 'he' wants. I mean, that's kinda where I'm going with this. I just..." I looked from Ron to Bel and back. "Maybe I'm crazy. I mean, I think I'm the Devil after all, but what if I'm right? What if we're not as shallow as all the myths and stories make us out to be?"

"Then I will give her another chance," Bel said. "But only because the woman I love thinks it is a good idea."

"And you?" I asked Ron. "We do kinda need her help, don't we?"

"I'll try," he agreed. Then he smiled. "But only because the Devil has talked me into it."

"You!" I gasped playfully, rolling over to pull him down and shove my fingers in his ribs. "I'll show you what the Devil can do!"

He caught my hands too easily, proving that his body was still demon-strong, and pushed my arms over my head. Then he paused, realizing how he had me pinned. "Sorry," he breathed, loosening his grip to lean back.

So I lifted up and pressed my mouth against his, stopping him. "Yeah, suddenly I don't care about God at all," I whispered against his lips.

"And now, I think the Devil's luring me into something else," he said softly.



Bel's hand closed over my wrist, taking it from Ron as he held me between them. It was enough to make Ron look up. Right above me, I could see them making their decision. Slowly, almost as if he was waiting to be told no, Bel reached up to cup the side of Ron's face. A flicker of a smile touched the smaller man's lips and then he leaned in.

Damn, but I'd never watched Bel kiss before. Not really. I'd caught the tail end of him kissing Ron in Canada, but that didn't really count since most of what I'd seen had been the back of the big guy's head. This? It was nothing like that. The first touch of their lips was so soft, so amazingly sensual, and then Bel's teeth slipped softly across Ron's lower lip, and their tongues began to tangle.

They kissed like men. There was no submission from Ron, just a need to get his own share, to explore Bel's mouth as much as Bel took from his. The moments where they paused, their cheeks or foreheads touching for just a moment too long, spoke to something deep inside me, making it clear that this had been building for a while. Not that I blamed either one.

But there was one problem here. Ron hadn't lived in this room yet. The bathroom had only the bare minimum, and I was pretty sure that the table beside the bed had only an empty drawer. If this was going where I thought it was, I certainly did not want to interrupt, and yet I was the only one not being groped. According to the rules of my bedroom on Tyrnigg, that meant I needed to make sure this was even possible.

So I whispered, "Let me up, guys?"

They kissed one more time before Bel looked down at me. "Sorry, Muse," he mumbled.

"Oh, I did not want you to stop," I promised. "I just need to grab something. I'll be right back."

As if that was all the excuse they needed, the pair pulled back long enough for me to sit up and slide off the bed by Bel's feet. I tried not to Copyright 2016 - 2024