The Lure of the Devil (The Demons' Muse #4) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,100

had wings.

I opened them to push off, and Nick said, "Wait." He had a hand lifted as if he wanted to grab my arm, but his eyes were on the dragon. "I thought you heard her, but that's how she talks to you? In your head?"

"Yeah." I turned to look at the rest. "Look, she didn't eat us last time, and she's willing to help. Isn't this why we came? I know she's huge, but..."

"I will go," Bel assured me.

"We'll all go," Sam said. "It's just that one of the few things that freaks me out is the idea of being eaten by a dragon. I can't think of a worse way to torture someone."

I will not eat you. I do not eat.

Ok, add one more question to my list, but the words actually seemed to make the guys look a little less nervous. "So?" I suggested.

"Lead on," Nick told me. "Since she's your friend. Wouldn't want to give her the wrong impression."

But the moment I took flight, they were all right behind me, and close. There was no need for altitude, and in all honesty, it only took a few flaps, and then I was there, back winging so I could get my feet on the ground. The dragon simply closed her gigantic golden eyes and waited for the dust of our landing to settle.

"Uh, hi," I said, moving over so she could see me easier, and then crossing my legs to sit on the ground.

Bel moved beside me, but he didn't sit. Instead, like the protector he was, he squared up and crossed his arms. I glanced back to see the man standing like some sentry. Nick joined him, his pose only slightly more casual. Sam, and Ronwe, though, decided to sit on either side of me. Luke moved behind Ron, standing with his hand on his lover's shoulder.

"So," I said, watching as her eyelid opened again, "I hope this isn't rude, but I'm kinda lost."

Of course you are. You are young. Then her gaze shifted slightly, bouncing from demon to demon, catching Luke somewhere in that too. This is your legion?

"We are," Nick told her.

I will not hurt the Ayala. I spent too much time waiting for her. You can relax, daemoni. Then she paused. Satanael, I think? You have changed much since you were born.

"I wasn't born," he told her. "I was formed, and if you mean the runes on my skin, well yes. It's how I protected myself."

Beelzebub, the dragon said next. Samyaza. You were not meant to be a fighter. I gave you a voice to please. Then she looked at Luke. And you, Lucifer, were never meant to be here, but it seems this is where you belong. She all but ignored Ronwe, almost like she didn't know him.

"What are you talking about?" Luke asked.

I made the worlds to be different. They were not meant to merge. She let out a slightly heavier breath, making me glad we weren't in front of her nostrils. I created the good ones, the bad ones, and then the places to see what my children would become on their own. It seems I did not plan as well as I thought.

"Wait," I said, holding up both hands. "Are you saying you created all of the planes?"

Yes. That is why I do not eat. I am not a dragon. I simply look like a dragon so I can see.

Goosebumps broke out on my skin because I had a funny feeling I knew what she meant. "And you made the demons and angels?"

I did. They were my second children.

I jerked forward. "So you are the one who created Bel beside a cha-something? You formed him where he'd be eaten, over and over, suffering until he could learn how to kill fast enough to survive? What kind of fucking masochistic bitch are you?"

She simply blinked. I did not form him there. He was not meant to fall from the ledge. I gave him wings so he could fly back up. I did not realize that they would not be easy to use. Her eye shifted to Bel. I did not know. I also could not stop it. I can only make the beautiful things. I cannot unmake them.

Bel grunted, sounding unimpressed. "It made me stronger."

I could make you bigger, though, so I did. I hoped that bigger would help you last, and then you did. I thought that would have made you happy?

Bel's answer was short and to the point. Copyright 2016 - 2024