Lumberjacked (A Holiday Lumberjack Mountain Man Romance) - K.C. Crowne Page 0,37

I’d looked for it everywhere. Or had I just missed it? Damn, I must have hit my head far harder than I thought. I should have asked the doctor to check it when we’d been in town for Viktor’s stitches. But I felt fine.

The phone was off, and when I tried to power it up, the battery was only half drained. Had I turned it off? I scrolled to the message I’d tried to send out before and realized it had gone through.

“Oh,” I said softly.

Maybe my mom would send a rescue mission. Or Ryan would send someone to come pick me up. Something. I searched for a response, but my signal had no bars and nothing came through.

The relief I felt caught me off guard. I had to get out of here. I needed to prepare for my new life. Would it be so bad if I stayed here until I had to leave? Buried deep in the forest with Viktor, spending more nights together, the way we had last night…

I smiled when I thought about it. Holy shit, it had been amazing with him. Everything about Viktor was amazing. Everything about him was a surprise. He looked like a vicious creature, especially when he was upset or deep in thought. But he had such a soft side to him.

And the way he touched me… fuck.

Not that it made him soft. Oh, no. He was all masculine ruggedness. And even though he’d treated me like I was delicate, he hadn’t once hesitated to take what he wanted. His dominating attitude was so hot I wanted more of it.

Thinking about him made me wonder where he’d gone.

I slid out of bed and wrapped Viktor’s robe around me. I peeked into the living room, but it was quiet. He was nowhere to be found. Maybe he’d gone hunting again. I smiled at the memory of him stomping into the cabin with the dead bird. God, he had been something to behold.

I walked to the little bathroom and closed myself in. I turned on the shower, tied up my hair so it wouldn’t get wet, and let the water run over my body. As the steam rose, I could smell his scent on me again, the smell of our sex, and I moaned softly, thinking about how he’d touched me. I washed myself, running my hands over my breasts, between my legs, and I was getting hot and bothered thinking about how it felt when his hands were on me. So much better than when I touched myself.

I thought about the feeling of his cock sliding into me and my stomach tightened. My fingers slipped over my clit as I washed myself.

I heard Viktor in the room and smiled, rinsing the soap off my body.

“Malen kiy,” he called.

“I’ll be right out.”

I turned off the water and dried off with a towel that lay folded on the toilet bowl. I wrapped it around my body and unlocked the door, pulling my hair from the band. When I stepped out, Viktor stood by the bed with a troubled expression on his face. He turned to face me, face altered. His gaze dragged over my body and turned dark, his lips parting.

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

Viktor looked up at me. “Just fine,” he rumbled. He took two long steps to me around the bed, so close a sigh would push us together. “Perfectly fine.”

I swallowed hard when I looked into his eyes. The sexual tension between us grew, becoming so thick, and his scent was strong even though his clothes. Everything about him looked and smelled like sex.

Viktor lifted his hand and tugged at my towel. I didn’t work very hard to keep it on. It fell to the ground, and I stood in front of him, naked.

“Fuck,” he swore under his breath, staring at my body. He dragged one finger slowly over my collar bone, down my arm.

“You’re still wearing clothes,” I pointed out.

“Help me get rid of them,” he suggested.

I pulled up his shirt. He was too tall for me to pull it over his head, so he helped me. I ran my hands down his abs, kissing his pecs. I pushed my breasts against his abs, and he moaned softly, cupping them with his hands and kneading them.

I fumbled with his pants, undoing them and pulling them down. His cock was already hard, and it sprung free. I wrapped my fingers around it and he groaned. He tugged at my nipples and Copyright 2016 - 2024