Lucky Strike (Super Harem #1) - Catherine Banks Page 0,9

genetics department. He’s guarded at all times and has several different powers.”

“You’ve tried.” I realized. My mouth dropped open.

He nodded and then grumbled, “The bastard has skin at times that is practically impenetrable.”

I tried to pace more, but my legs wobbled, and I had to grab onto a cabinet door to stay upright.

The cabinet swung open, and a crate holding bottles of bright green liquid started to fall on me.

Transistor rushed over, caught the tray, and righted it.

I read the label, and my jaw dropped. “You took samples of the goo I fell in? And didn’t secure it? There’s like four OSHA violations going on just in this spot.”

“Don’t open the other cabinets,” he said and picked me up again.

Why did it feel so good to be in his arms? Transistor was a villain! I shouldn’t have enjoyed him holding me. And yet, here we were.

“I told you, you need food before you move around too much,” he whispered.

“Why?” I asked.

He looked down at me. “Food gives—”

“Why are you helping me? Not long ago you were using me as bait and pointing death lasers at me. Now, you’ve brought me to your secret base and healed me. Why?”

He set me on the counter and stood in front of me, his face only a foot from mine. “Did I ever hurt you?”

I scowled as I thought back. “No.”

“No. I used you as bait, yes, but I never hurt you and never would have. I only grabbed you from the street when your work shift was over. I bought you a new phone when I caused the last to break. I tried to save you that day you fell in the vat of toxic goo. I beat the crap out of that idiot when I found out he cheated on you. I spent the last few weeks trying to find a way to rescue you from the Association. I have never done anything to cause you harm.”

I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. “You still didn’t answer why.”

He dropped his head and chuckled. “Of course, she wouldn’t make this easy on me.” He lifted his head again and smiled.

It was sexy, and my entire body became alive, hyper-aware of how close he was.

“I think you’re beautiful, strong, and I’d do almost anything for a chance to take you out on a date.”

I had clearly spaced out and daydreamed a moment.

“Did you say you want to date me?”


I opened my mouth and then closed it. He was serious. I hadn’t actually thought about it before, but now that it was an option, I wanted to see where it might go.

“What if I go back to the Hero Association?” I asked softly.

He scowled. “You want to go back to the place that was drugging you?”

“I want to help people. Part of that is fixing the corruption within the HA. I can’t do that from the outside.”

“That’s sadly true,” he muttered.

“If we do this, it can’t be a commitment yet. I just got out of a relationship. This would just be dating,” I said.

“What if they send you after me?” he asked.

I smirked and stroked my finger along his forearm where it hung near me. “I’m sure you could think of an escape plan that an inexperienced hero like me couldn’t stop.”

“Rules,” he whispered, cleared his throat, and stepped back from me. “You can’t reveal anything about me to them.”

I nodded.

“Every other Saturday night we’ll have a date unless monsters attack or something comes up.”

I smirked. “You like structure, don’t you?”

He sighed and began pacing. “It helps me stay sane. Most of my days are planned out ahead of time.”

“Any other rules?” I asked.

“If you do date other guys, I don’t want to hear about it,” he said as he turned to face me.


He stalked up to me, standing an inch from touching my knees. “That means if you decide to date one of those idiot heroes, you would have to keep it private so it doesn’t hit the news.”

My thoughts instantly turned to Austin.

“Okay.” I agreed.

“You have any rules?” he asked, his eyes locked with mine.

“Not that I can think of right now.” I admitted. “So, how do we seal this deal? Shake hands? Sign a paper?”

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. He moved slowly, giving me time to move, protest, or some other unlikely event. Instead, I threw my arms around his neck, opened my legs, and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.

His hands rested on the counter Copyright 2016 - 2024