Lucky Strike (Super Harem #1) - Catherine Banks Page 0,13

arched a brow, but nodded again.

“Austin confirmed that Transistor did try to save me the day I fell into the vat and got my powers. I’ve been really lethargic lately and I haven’t been sure why. I thought it was from adjusting to my powers but apparently, that’s not the case. Transistor saved me from the monster the other day and took me to his secret base. He healed me and told me that the head of genetics here at the Association takes your blood for testing and gives you a serum to make you more compliant.”

She opened her mouth, but quickly shut it

“I mentioned it to Austin who confirmed it had almost happened to him and he’d thought he had put a stop to it, but clearly he was wrong. Austin had me stay here last night since we couldn’t meet with the Director about it yet. Transistor offered me an escape, but I can’t leave the Association until I find a way to fix it. I’m not convinced I’m a hero, but I know I’m not a villain. There has to be some way to fix this. Plus, if this is going on, who knows what else is going on. Oh, and I’m pretty sure Transistor isn’t a villain. I think he’s more likely a neutral, which I think may be what I am, too. And I may now be dating two people...”

I trailed off and tugged on the bottom of my shirt while I waited for her reaction. She could tell me I was crazy and go to the Director about my befriending Transistor. Or, she might believe me and help me watch out for the others. We were friends, but I wasn’t sure how good of a friend she considered me.

She closed her eyes, drew in a big breath, and let loose a string of curses that had my mouth dropping open. Once she finished, she looked deep into my eyes. “I will help you purge the darkness from this place. I am embarrassed to not have realized it myself. Clearly, I still need practice with my powers. As for Transistor, I knew him years ago and I have always felt that he was a hero. The fact that he knows about the darkness must be what tipped him over the edge and caused him to make it appear like he was becoming a villain. I don’t want to press you, but will tell you that these two men you are dating are good for you. You might also consider dating one or two of the heroes we ate with moments ago. Your aura sparkled while talking to them and theirs responded in kind. That is a very rare thing.”

Date more men? Wasn’t two more than enough as it was?

“What does it mean when an aura sparkles?” I asked.

She smirked. “Just ask them out.”


“Vortex and Hurricane.”

I chuckled. “As if they’d be seriously interested in me. Plus, I have to keep all my relationships secret and get their approval to date others. I can’t believe the two I already spoke to agreed to it.”

“The sparkles don’t lie,” she said. “If you don’t ask—”

“If I don’t ask the answer is already a no. I know. I know. Alright, I’ll ask, but not this week. I’ve got over two dozen interviews to deal with.”

Austin unlocked and entered the room. “You two okay?” he asked, shutting and locking the door behind him.

We both nodded.

She stood. “I’m going to go grab my nail polish.”

Austin straightened. “I’ll go with you and check your room.” He turned towards me. “Will you be okay here?”

I pointed at my tray of food. “I’m just going to sit right there and eat.”

“We’ll be right back,” she said and headed to the door. When his back was turned, she mouthed, “Sparkles.”

Before I could find something to throw, she and Austin left. He locked the door behind him, which was only a little reassuring.

I’d wanted to come back here to fix things, but how could I fix anything if I was constantly scared?

Chapter Nine

Before Austin and Alura returned, the alarm sounded and the female announcer’s voice said, “Class Five attack. All personnel report.”

I raced out of the room, down the hall, and slid into an elevator just as the door was closing.

My slide ended with me pressed up against Hurricane.

I tilted my head back and smiled. “Hello, again.”

He smiled back. “That was an impressive slide.”

Stepping back, I found Vortex beside us. I gave him a tentative smile and Copyright 2016 - 2024