Lucky Strike (Super Harem #1) - Catherine Banks Page 0,10

on either side of my legs, but one of his thumbs caressed my thigh, amping me up even more.

I pulled back and whispered. “Thank you for saving me.”

He smirked. “Anytime. Now, let’s get some food in you before you pass out.”

Chapter Seven

In order to make it seem like I wasn’t in cahoots with Transistor, and allow me to return to HA, he called Austin from a burner phone and gave him an address to pick me up.

After tying me up, he gave me one last kiss, and then hid nearby until Austin came.

It only took five minutes for my winged savior to show up. He dropped to the ground and untied me. “Are you okay? What happened?” Austin asked.

I stood and brushed myself off. “I don’t know. I woke up fully healed and he asked me about the monsters, then knocked me out again and I woke up here.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Transistor fly off.

Austin brushed my hair back from my face. “I was so worried, Lucy.”

Reflexively, I leaned into his touch. “I’m really okay. I know he’s a villain, but I don’t think he’s evil. He didn’t hurt me. He just healed me.”

He picked me up and flew up into the sky. “I’m inclined to agree, but don’t let the Director or the Genetics Head hear you say that. They hate him.” He looked down at me. “They’re going to want to talk to you.”

Leaning up slowly, I kissed his cheek. “Thank you for coming to get me.”

He smiled. “Anytime.”

“Were you able to take down the monsters with minimal casualties?” I asked. I knew they had because Transistor had shown me his surveillance videos of the incident.

Austin nodded. “Thanks to you leading them away from the injured, we were. The news has been talking about you a lot. You probably have dozens of interview requests.”

My mouth popped open. “Seriously?”

He nodded.

I scowled, “Did they see Transistor take me?”

He shook his head. “The Director was able to cut the video feeds.”

How convenient.

“You sure you’re okay?” he asked softly.

“Tired and nervous,” I whispered and leaned my head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry you were worried.”

We flew onto the roof of Headquarters and four men and one woman in suits waited for us.

I recognized one of the suited men and had to clamp down on my powers to keep from attacking him.

The Director was an older man with a mane of silver hair. He smiled at me. “Welcome back. We have a lot to discuss, Lucy.”

“I need to run some tests—” the Genetics Director began.

“No tests needed,” I said with a smile. “I’m fully healed and ready to return to combat.”

The Director beamed. “Wonderful. Let’s go to a conference room.”

“Sir, I—”

The Director cut him a glare. “Her genetics do not need testing. She displayed her control on the last mission. Close her file. That is an order, Terrance.”

Terrance clenched his teeth before nodding once and turning away.

The Director smiled at me. “Right this way.”

Instead of putting me down, Austin carried me to the room and set me in one of the plush chairs around a huge red oak table.

The Director nodded at the suit-wearing woman. The woman turned on a TV and flipped through channel after channel discussing me and my heroics.

“Thirty television interview requests, ten magazine shoot and interview requests, and millions of video views. You need a hero name and a new wardrobe,” the Director said with a wide smile.

My mouth dropped open.

He tapped his lips while looking at me. “Name first. Options?”

The woman turned the TV off, grabbed a remote, and the wall across from us slid open to push out a whiteboard. she then took the cap off a pen and stood, poised, to write.

“Sparks. Lightning Queen. Bolt,” one of the men in suits began spouting off potential names.

The woman wrote them all down.

“Violet Lightning,” the woman said and added to the list.

“Violet Strike,” Austin said.

I looked at him with wide eyes. I loved it.

“That one,” I said immediately.

The woman frowned. “We might have better—”

The Director raised his hand, silencing her. “It is her name. And, I like it. Very well, you are Violet Strike. Now, about your outfit.”

“I don’t want anything flashy or bright. I like this black catsuit and don’t think I want much else.”

He nodded. “We will make only minor adjustments. Please stand so we can get your measurements.”

The woman pulled a measuring tape out of thin air and began her process, telling the man who had been shouting potential names Copyright 2016 - 2024