Lucky Forever - Cee Bowerman Page 0,7

they would try to get Lexi, but I have to make sure that whoever gets her if I die will fight them tooth and nail. Make sure that they can fight them. Back home, both my family and his are powerful and their money reaches even further than their influence does. I don’t want her near that or near any of them. Ever.”

“I want to know more about this family of yours someday, but right now we need to figure out your issue of this ticket thing. I looked at it and you’ve got nine days before it’s null and void.”

“They expire?”

“Yep. Why didn’t you have it checked after the drawing?”

“I got that ticket as a tip at work the other night. I thought it was kind of funny - the lady said she didn’t know if it was a winner, but she had already found her happiness so she wanted this ticket to help me find mine.”

“Whoa.” Rowdy’s brow furrowed. “What if she wants the ticket back after she finds out it was a winner? That much green can buy a lot of shit and to some people that’s how you find happiness.”

“She seemed eager to give it away, like she was passing on good luck or something, but that was before she knew it was worth millions.”

“I wonder who it was.”

“You were there, right? The lady with the cane who found the woman in the restroom having a baby on opening night.”

“Really?” Rowdy laughed for a second. “That’s Tavin Conner’s sister-in-law. I know them.”

“Would she sue me to get it back?”

“I don’t think so, but money makes regular folk stupid, so I couldn’t guarantee it. We need to figure out the legal stuff before we try and figure out the what ifs.”

“You said ‘we’.” I studied his face for a second and then asked, “You’re going to help me?”

“Well, yeah. It’s not often I get to play the white knight and carry the beautiful woman to safety like I did this afternoon. I kind of liked it. I’ll stay close to you - maybe you’ll faint again and I can swoop you up before you hit your head this time.”

I laughed at him and he actually blushed a little while he joined me. I didn’t know what it was about Rowdy, but I felt like I could relax around him and even share my secrets. I hadn’t found anyone I was this comfortable with in my life; I’d been on my guard around everyone since I could remember. When Lexi was born, that wall I’d built around myself got even higher because I knew she needed me to protect her like no one had done for me.

“I’m not sure what it is about you, but you make me feel safe.”

“Because you are. You and Lexi both.” Rowdy’s expression got very intense and he leaned toward me and said, “I would never hurt a woman or a kid. Ever. And I won’t let anyone else do it either. That’s just not the man I am.”

“Maybe the ticket already brought me luck like the lady wanted.”

“We’re going to find a way to get you that money, Sierra. We’ll figure it out. That’s what I want to talk to Marcus about when we take Holly home. He’s a lawyer and can give us some good information, maybe help figure out how to protect you and Lexi.”

“Okay. You trust him?”

“I do. He’s a good man.” Rowdy smiled and shook his head for a second before he added, “Sometimes good men do bad things to protect others. I think he might be that kind of guy.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I know his family. Let’s just leave it at that, okay?”

“Okay.” I let it go. I had had enough experiences in my life that taught me that sometimes you just didn’t need to know every detail of things. Sometimes it was safer that way.

“Let’s push all the serious shit to the side for a little bit, what do you say?”

“Are you that anxious to get your ass handed to you in skee ball?”

“Little woman, you talk a big game. Hope you can back it up.”

“Come on, buddy. Teacher’s here and class is in session.”

I saw an odd look come over Rowdy’s face, but it disappeared as quick as it came and he was smiling again.

“Lead the way, honey. I’ll let you go first so you get a chance to play without tears of shame on your face.”

“Shit.” I laughed and pushed his shoulder. He Copyright 2016 - 2024