Lucky Forever - Cee Bowerman Page 0,14

like a bad idea. Marriages have taken place for worse reasons through the years. This will protect Sierra and Lexi in case something happens, it will protect Rowdy and Leia in case some judge loses his fucking mind and hears Leia’s mother’s case, and it would give both of those little girls a mom and a dad to come home to.”

“And Lexi and Sierra will get a huge, ready-made family when they marry Leia and Rowdy,” Reagan threw in. “And the kind of family and friends Rowdy has are the kind that a woman in your position needs in her corner, sweetheart.”

“You two leave the girls here and go talk it out. Be here in the morning for Sunday breakfast and we’ll hash over the details while Reagan takes the girls out to do something or the other.”

“Nails. Holly’s manicure is horrible and I know she needs another pedi by now,” Reagan chimed in before he took a sip of his wine. “Lexi and Leia can join us and get pampered while the grownups decide their fates.”

“I guess… umm… yeah, let’s talk about it tonight?” Sierra asked uncertainly.

“Okay,” I agreed. “We’ll say goodbye to the girls and then head out for the night. I have the perfect place for us to talk without interruption.”

“I’ll talk to Lout, give him some details about what’s going on, let Chandler know what to look for online, the usual. Rowdy, you might want to give Sam and Zeke a head’s up, too,” Marcus suggested. “How about I give them a call tonight since you and Sierra will be hashing things out?”

“If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it.”

“Okay, that settles it then. Until tomorrow.” Marcus stood up and walked toward the kitchen while Reagan went to the bottom of the stairs and called for the girls.

After goodbyes were said, cheeks were kissed, and Marcus and Reagan walked us to the front door, I found myself alone with Sierra for the first time since dinner.

“You ready?” I asked her as I put my hand out.

“Shit, I don’t know.” She chuckled and grabbed my hand.

We walked together to my truck in silence, both of us wondering just what we were about to get into.



“Where are you taking me?” I asked Rowdy as he turned off the highway down a dirt road.

“I’m going to introduce you to my other women.” Rowdy smiled at me and then looked back at the road in front of us. It was almost dusk and the sun was close to the horizon to the right of the big truck we were riding in. “My girls have been with me through thick and thin and it’s only right that they meet you, too.”

“Okay.” I had no idea what he was talking about, but I knew he wasn’t stupid enough to take me out in the country to meet some random women. I didn’t know him well at all, but I didn’t get the vibe that he was a moron.

We drove just a little further and then he turned right onto a narrow drive. He jumped out of the truck to open the gate, then got back in so we could continue driving.

“I’ve seen enough on television and movies to know that a good country girl will jump out and get the gate. You should have said something.”

“Well, this being our first date and all,” Rowdy laughed, “I thought I’d be a gentleman.”

“Aww, thank you.” I laughed with him and then caught my breath when he came over a hill and I saw where we were headed. “Are those your horses?”

“Sort of,” Rowdy hedged. “Nicole owns them, but I’ve taken care of them for years now. She doesn’t ride and only knows how to treat the horses, not how to love them day in and day out. We’ve had a few get adopted, but these girls stay no matter what.”

“They’re beautiful,” I whispered as I got out of the truck. I met him at the center of the hood and felt comfortable when he took my hand and led me toward the horses. The six large animals were moving toward the metal rail as if they knew he was here to visit them. “Will they bite me? Or kick me?”

“They shouldn’t, but just follow my directions and you’ll be fine. Marilyn is the white one and she’s still really skittish. She’s only been with me for a year or so and came from a shit life. She was half-starved and covered in cuts and sores Copyright 2016 - 2024