Lucky Chance ( Luvluck Novellas #2) - K.L. Shandwick Page 0,20

I teased, elbowing him in the ribs and giving him a sultry look. The way his eyes narrowed, scrutinizing me closely, almost melted my bones.

“Maybe,” he replied, raising a brow and chuckling. “Or perhaps it was because of how wild and rampantly sexy you were when you jumped me the instant you laid eyes on me when I walked through your bar door.” He winked and chuckled again. I swatted him, feeling mortified he’d said that in front of the pilot.

“I’m never going to live that down, am I?” I replied, groaning.

“Yeah … eventually, but had you gone down …” he teased, and I swatted him harder, my mouth agap.

“You’re incorrigible, Jamie Fontaine,” I admonished, beyond embarrassed for that remark.

“Always encourage anything that gets me off, baby,” he joked, like he’d misheard the word. “Seriously, though, I think the real reason is because you are the most beautiful, honest, natural and grounded woman I’ve ever met in my life. I love everything about you, Daisy O’Donnell,” he said using his awful fake Irish accent. My heart skipped a beat in response to the devouring look he gave me.

The pilot cleared his throat and Jamie realized he’d been listening to our every word. I smirked when Jamie’s eyes flared and I knew he’d forgotten we weren’t alone.

Flashing me an impish smile, Jamie hunched his shoulders like a little boy caught doing something he shouldn’t have been. The look was a mile away from the raunchy-looking rock star he was on stage. I could tell from that look how easily he won hearts.

“We’ll be landing in a few minutes,” the pilot informed us as he tried to pretend, he hadn’t been listening. I glanced out the window again and saw massive beach house mansions and estates dotted along a deserted sandy beach coastline.

Jamie glanced at me and cracked a sheepish smile before he turned to the pilot. “Sorry, dude, it’s been a while since I’ve seen my gorgeous girl, I guess I got carried away,” he muttered through the headset, but kept his intense eyes on me.

“Yeah, she’s a very pretty girl, I can understand … and that accent …” he groaned. I blushed and Jamie chuckled.

“Yeah, dude, get your own, and don’t forget that NDA you signed,” Jamie ground out and growled.

“NDA?” I asked, confused.

“Yeah. We can sue if anything we say or do gets leaked to the press.”

My heart clenched to think that everything Jamie did was for sale, and I couldn’t imagine having to live minding my P’s and Q’s like that all the time, for fear someone would get a meal ticket out of it.

Chapter 8

The helicopter set us down on a small helipad on a grassy area just short of a long sandy beach. Jamie helped me out, pulled my bags out, and left them on the grass.

Taking my hand, Jamie led me in the direction of the ocean, but stopped short of the beach. Behind us, we heard the helicopter take off again.

“So, what do you think?” he asked as I looked out toward the sapphire-colored ocean, with its white crested rolling waves. I glanced up at the stormy sky and the dramatic dark clouds looming over the water before I looked back toward him.

“It’s amazing,” I said slowly, my eyes scanning the vast open space. Holding me by my shoulders, he turned me around and pointed toward the house.

“And this?” he asked. My eyes flitted across the large manicured lawn to a large shingle-clad two-storey home. Panoramic floor to ceiling mirrored windows on the ground floor looked onto a huge infinity swimming pool reflected in the glass.

It looked like the luxury villas I’d seen in holiday programs on TV… but way bigger and fancier. The first floor had a glass-fronted balcony where a group of people stood waving at us. I frowned, confused as to why they were there.

“That’s a stunning home, are those people renting the top half of the house?”

He laughed and threw his head back before he glanced adoringly toward me and slung his arm over my shoulder. He pressed a kiss to my temple.

“Didn’t I mention we’re spending the holiday with my sister Catrina, her kids, my band mate Paddy and his wife, Bernie?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I was less than amused because when he said someone would get my luggage, I had thought he meant a bodyguard or something. I frowned, disappointed because I had thought I had him all to myself.

“Nope … not once,” I muttered, Copyright 2016 - 2024