Lucky Chance ( Luvluck Novellas #2) - K.L. Shandwick Page 0,17

still not convinced I could leave the pub. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure this place is well taken care of. You can afford a week with me since I snuck three months off with you. We can do this, Daisy. We’ve just got to get shit hot at planning. I promise, I’ll come here every chance I get, but you’ve got to want us to work, too. I can’t do it all.”

It was a fair comment and the fact he’d had that conversation with me told me he was serious about us.

“I’ll come.”

“You already did, and very nice it felt, too,” he replied, winking at me. I blushed instantly, and my core clenched at how frank his smutty comment felt when I heard it.

“To New York,” I replied as I tried to ignore how his comment had affected me.

“Yay, I’ll ask Donna to call you—”

“No, you bloody well won’t. I’m more than capable of applying for a passport.” Jamie chuckled at my slap down.

“Do it today. Promise me?”

“I’ll send Terry to grab me a form and I’ll get some pictures, happy now?”

“No, I won’t be happy until you are with me in New York and we’ve got nothing to do but please ourselves.” Waggling his eyebrows, he lifted my hand to his mouth and gave it a long hard lick. “That’s to keep me going until I see you again.”

“I can’t do a week,” I insisted, and chuckled as I wiped my hand on my sweater. “You’re an eejit, you know that?”

“An eejit?”

“Yeah, it means you’re crazy.”

“You’re not wrong. I flew for a whole day for a night in bed with you and my performance was less than tame.”

“It was perfect, from my perspective. I’d have hated if you’d come here completely cocksure and laid it on thick.”

“Laid it on thick? Are you trying to give me a complex?”

I chuckled. “I meant, relied heavily on your charm. I’m more confident in your apology because you didn’t.” We fell silent and the air grew heavy. The pain of our parting hung in our silence until he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

“I truly am sorry … for leaving the way I did— for not being able to stay longer. But when you hear the album, I think you’ll understand being away from you wasn’t easy for me, either.”

“Okay, let’s get you ready and on your way before I lock you in my cellar. Since I’ve had this place, all that’s been missing is a creepy guy living down there.”

Laughing, he stood, pulled me up and tugged me to his chest. “You’d treat the creepy guy like your sex slave, of course,” he suggested. “Now I regret having to go even more.”

I laughed and shook my head before he kissed me again, and I knew, no matter that he had to go, this time I was sure he’d be back.

Chapter 6

The car taking me to the airport arrived just after nine in the morning, and for a minute, I stood in the bar not sure whether I’d make it outside. My nerves were shot to hell with the internal questions in my head as to whether I’d covered all my bases for the business, in the event I left and died.

Staring at the gray day in Dublin from the window as we passed through the city made me wonder for the hundredth time if I was doing the right thing going to New York.

When I arrived at the airport I approached the airline counter to pick up my ticket. Ten minutes later, after being whisked through premier security, I sat in the airport VIP lounge sipping a mimosa while the jet refueled. I had just begun to relax when a video call from Jamie came in from my FaceBook app.

“All set, baby?” he asked excitedly.

“Yeah, a bit nervous about the flight,” I confessed. My nervous voice would have given me away if I had lied.

For the following few minutes, we chatted excitedly because in less than half a day away, we’d be together.

“Wow, is that who I think it is?” a tall blonde in designer clothing asked when I looked over my shoulder at her. I had noticed her as the only other woman in the lounge when I’d sat down, but I hadn’t seen her rise from her seat and wander over behind me. She stared at my screen from over my shoulder.

“Do you mind?” I snapped, ready to do battle at her invasion of my privacy.

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