Loving a Prince Charming - By Danielle Monsch Page 0,27

love. So is he, and if anything, you are two of the most admirable people I’ve ever met. So enough self-flagellation. What’s done is done, and we move on.”

We move on, we move on. “Yes, we move on,” Kira agreed. She drew a deep breath, pushing away the doubt and self-pity with it. There would be time in the future to revisit this, time to reflect on her failings then. Now, she had work to do. She rose, her posture ramrod straight. “What needs to happen to save Seth and Rosamund?”

Sara rose as well, the smile coming back to her face. “We need two things. We need you, and we need a fairy godmother.”

The persistent burn of the birthmark flared in response to the words and Sara stood there, straight and tall, her eyes filled with a knowledge and a power no human could possibly have, knowledge and strength even that evil creature she fought hadn’t projected. This woman… well, she wasn’t a woman, was she?

The burn intensified.

Yes, yes, I understand the symbolism. Kira motioned between the two of them. “So we have both of those things. Now what?”

Sara’s smile widened, as if in approval of Kira’s acceptance. She clapped her hands three times in quick succession. “Now we get to the fun part.”


“This Elf King sounds like a real jerk.”

Sara gave a great, loud, long-suffering sigh. “I know he’s made your life particularly difficult and I truly sympathize, but try living in the same land as the royal oaf the last several millennia.”

That little piece of info caught Kira’s attention. “Just how old are you?”

There was a tsk, then, “Never ask a woman’s age. What is it with young people? No sense.”

“Apologies, madam.” They were trailing through the forest on foot. Sara had been very firm that they needed to walk to the castle, and what use was having a fairy godmother around if you weren’t going to listen to them? The only thing to do was trust and move. Speaking of… “We’re getting near.”

“Yes, which means soon I’ll have to leave.”

Kira stopped walking. “You said I needed a fairy godmother. You said you would help.”

“And I am, by what I’ve told you so far and what I’m going to tell you now. But I can’t go into battle with you.” Sara reached out and gave Kira’s hand a firm squeeze. “In the end, we all battle alone.”

Except she wasn’t alone. She carried Seth within her, the power of his love and friendship as strong as if he were beside her. And she carried purpose, the pure will to save Seth. He was counting on her.

He had never failed her. Damned if she would fail him now.

Sara’s smile turned impish and knowing. Could fairy godmothers read minds? Then Sara started to speak, and all of Kira’s attention was on her words. “First, you must realize the dragon is not real. Someone is guarding Seth, but the dragon is nothing but an illusion.”

“Am I going to be going up against the Elf King?” Somehow, the thought of facing the being who started all this twisted her stomach in a way the roars she heard earlier couldn’t touch.

“The Elf King doesn’t cross over to this side, but you will face his servant.”

The echo of malevolent tones skittered over her skin. Her dread must have shown on her face, because Sara said, “You can defeat him. He is powerful, not invincible. But you fear the wrong battle. This will not be a battle of swords, but of wills. The Elf King couldn’t care less about a mortal life won or lost. What he wants your misery, your despair. That is the fight you fight.”

Kira had grown up with a sword in her hand. Blade and sharpened edge she understood and respected. What Sara was talking about was outside anything in her experience, and more terrifying than the slice of steel against skin. “Just what am I facing?”

“He can see into your heart and drag your weaknesses out to parade in front of you. If you give any quarter, he’ll have you, and Seth is doomed.”

Chapter Twelve

Kira had only walked a few moments alone when the dragon appeared above. It was black and monstrous, blocking out the sun as it landed before her, wings extended. The smell of sulphur and smoke surrounded it, choking her, while its long neck brought down its head to the ground, its eye as tall as she was.

Kira beat down any fear that tried to rise and squeeze

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