Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1) - By Unknown Page 0,95

her bag, figuring if their suspect had a way of tracing it, it would be best to bring it to the massage parlor. Pearce had pronounced the phone clear of any bugs, but she’d brought it nevertheless and even switched it on.

“What do you think of her?” Logan suddenly asked.

“Of who?”

“The human, of course. Don’t tell me you haven’t formed an opinion about her yet.”

In the dark, she noticed how one side of Logan’s mouth curled up in a mocking grin.

“What do you care?”

“Just asking. Does it bother you that you’re not the only female at the compound anymore?” he needled her.

“She won’t be staying.” She was a mere interloper, a human. She didn’t belong there.

“Are you so sure about that?”

“I know Aiden. Do you really think he can be with a human after what happened to his sister?” Aiden wasn’t the forgiving sort. He could hold a grudge longer than anybody she knew.

“His little friend doesn’t seem to think so,” Logan chuckled.

“His little what?” Then she suddenly realized what he meant. “Oh, you’re so gross, Logan!”

“Nothing gross about sex.” He seemed to enjoy her discomfort.

But she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of backing down now. “Just because he’s stuck his dick in her, doesn’t mean he’s keeping her. I know how you guys work. Or why do you think I have no intention of ever spreading my legs for any of you?” There, he could chew on that.

“Spoken like a truly unsatisfied woman.”

“Am not!” Enya snapped.

“Trust me, you so need to get laid.”

“Oh, please, as if everything can be—”

The soft growling of the dog interrupted her. The animal got onto its feet, its ears standing up, its snout trained in the direction of the door.

Jumping up, Logan stared down at his phone, then shook his head ‘no,’ indicating that he hadn’t received any message from Pearce.

Enya held her breath and cloaked herself, noticing Logan doing the same. She waited, watching the dog. It was trained to keep quiet, but his body language indicated that somebody had just entered the room.

The soft rustling of a dress or a coat disturbed the silence.

“Attack!” Enya ordered the dog.

A loud shriek came from the intruder as the dog’s teeth dug into the invisible person, who fell to the floor in a reverberating thump. In the same instant, Enya launched herself onto the intruder, uncloaking herself in mid-movement. Logan simultaneously appeared to her left.

Her hand connected with an arm. She grabbed it and wrenched it. Enya could see that the dog was still tugging at something, digging its teeth deeper into the suspect.

Another scream filled the room.

“Uncloak yourself, or I’ll have the dog bite your fucking leg off.”

An instant later, a figure dressed in a long cloak, a hood over the head, showed itself.

“Tell the dog to stop,” she yelped. A woman’s voice!

Logan grabbed the woman and pulled her up.

“Rex, release.” The dog let go of the woman’s leg. “Good dog,” Enya praised and patted its head.

“And who have we here?” Logan asked calmly.

Enya snatched the hood and pulled it off the woman’s face. Blond curls tumbled down.

“Deirdre!” She knew the headstrong council member. She’d looked up to her. “How disappointing.”

Deirdre knew she was caught. Her facial expression said as much. “It had be to done. The council was foolish to let her live.”

“They voted,” Logan said. “It’s not for you to change the outcome.”

“I tried to do what’s best for our society.”

Enya shook her head. “You can’t change the rules just because they don’t suit you.”

“Don’t think you’re any better than I! If you were privy to the information the council got, you would have done the same,” Deirdre hissed.

“Everyone on the council had the same information you did; you were outvoted.” Enya replied.

“Let’s go. I’m sure the council is interested in knowing who’s been going against their orders,” Logan remarked. Then he grinned. “I think the council might soon have a vacancy to fill.”

Deirdre stared at them with wide eyes. “They can’t do that!”

Enya bent closer to her, moving her mouth to the woman’s ear. “They can, and they will. Hope you’ll enjoy your lead prison.”

She took a step when her foot hit something on the floor. She bent down and picked it up. It was a cell phone. “Yours?” she asked Deirdre curiously.


She exchanged a quick look with Logan. “If she had her phone with her, why didn’t Pearce warn us?”

“Call him. Now.” Logan’s voice sounded tense.

Enya dialed the compound’s number and let it ring. There was no reply. Panicked, she Copyright 2016 - 2024