The Lovely Chocolate Mob - By Richard J. Bennett Page 0,54

would go against all His rules for family and involve a divorce on her part, but I didn’t care. I just wanted the pain to stop.”

Miss Planter just looked at me. She stopped chewing her salad and was focused; that was a good sign. At least she was listening, and seemed to understand.

“I hope this doesn’t upset you, Miss Planter.”

“No, this doesn’t upset me, Mr. Owen. This sounds quite within the realm of normalcy.”

“I’m glad you think I’m normal, because there’s more.”

And with that stated, we finished our meal. Miss Planter was a picky eater, or else was watching her figure because she really didn’t eat very much. And she had a fine figure.

I walked slowly with Miss Planter back to the medical building, rode up the elevator with her and made sure she got to her office. Phyllis was already back, and I could see a little gleam in her eye watching us. I don’t like kids sizing me up; it’s not very comfortable.

Once in the office, Miss Planter said, “I’m curious as to how you managed to save a marriage all by yourself, Mr. Owen. Did you sit them down and have a little heart-to-heart discussion?”

“Yes. Well, no. Not with both of them, at least. I did have a little talk with her husband.”

“Indeed? What did you say to him?”

“I reminded him of his past with his wife and with the children, who he really loves, by the way, and …. then I threatened to tell his children about his mistress.”

Miss Planter froze, standing behind her desk next to her chair. “You did what?” she said.

“I said if he didn’t call it off between him and Susan Lovely, I would tell the kids that their daddy was having an affair and were likely to get a new mother, after their dad divorced their real one.”

“Oh… my… God,” she said while slowly sitting down. She stared up at me, since I hadn’t sat down yet. Her mouth was open; I’d laugh, but this was a time of honesty for me, and a time of shock for her. “You blackmailed him!”

“Yes…,” I said, “…and no. He didn’t know it was me. I was wearing a disguise.”

“Whaaaat?” was all she could get out.

“That’s right. I dressed up like a doctor and went to see him at the hospital, and met with him and locked him in a room where we had a discussion, and I let him know that he was suspected of having an affair with Susan Lovely, and that I threatened to tell his kids if he didn’t stop the whole affair. And he agreed.”

“And he didn’t know who you were?”

“That’s right.”

“Didn’t anybody else see you, in that disguise?” she asked, then again, “You dressed like a doctor?” as though that were the last thing on earth anybody should dress as.

“No, nobody saw me. I took steps to remain hidden. We had to be discreet.”



“There were more of you?” she pressed.

“Yes. I had accomplices. But we’re not a gang or cult or anything. We’re just friends who don’t want to see a family split up.”

“I-I-I…,” Miss Planter was on information overload.

“I’m sorry to tell you so much at one time, Miss Planter. I should have just told you a little bit, maybe a little bit at a time.”

“I… you… we…,” was all Miss Planter said. She was going into an implosion; I had to talk fast.

“We didn’t hurt anybody or damage anything. We only fixed what was about to break. We only helped people, not hurt them. It’s like what you do; you help put people back together. Well, that’s what we did.”

“What… he…”

“And blackmail is such a strong word. We didn’t ask for or demand any money. Money wasn’t a factor in this operation.”

Miss Planter put her head in her hands. She covered her face; her elbows were on her desk. I hoped she wasn’t going to start crying. Women like to do that, especially when they’re upset. I hoped I didn’t upset her too much.

There was a knock at the door. Phyllis opened it and said, “Miss Planter, your 1:30 appointment is here.”

Miss Planter looked up. The receptionist probably thought I was taking up too much time. Maybe she was right.

“Guess I’d better make tracks,” I said. “I’ll call and schedule another appointment. I’ll head out the back way.”

Miss Planter just nodded, watching my every step as I left the office. She didn’t seem very happy.

Back at the Grill

“You did what?” bellowed Walter. “You told a woman?”

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