The Lovely Chocolate Mob - By Richard J. Bennett Page 0,108

Burke, given how she was so quick to believe his guilt. However, he is innocent,” I said. “Furthermore, Dr. Burke has been receiving marital counseling for the past few weeks, and he and his wife have been making good progress.”

“I would say those are points in his favor,” said the Italian voice. “However, will he become involved with Susan Lovely anytime in the future?”

“No. No, I’m through with Susan,” said the doctor’s voice. “I was a fool. I’ve failed my wife and kids. I’m sorry.”

There was a little murmuring among the men. The Caribbean voice said, “Me next!” and the other male voices laughed. The British voice replied to the Caribbean, “Sorry, old chap, you’re too late. Julio is one of us.”

“Silence!” said the deep-voiced woman.

Then she spoke again. “What of the money? Can this Walter Dale replace the lost inheritance to Susan Lovely?”

“That’s a 10-4, big sister!” said Walter’s voice. “Give me five minutes!”

“Five minutes? Who has a watch?” asked the Spanish voice.

“I’ve got one,” I said.

“Your friend has five minutes. ‘Agent Belken,’ check the accounts.”

“Yes, ma’am,” said ‘Agent Belken.’ Then I heard noises which sounded like a revolver being cocked.

“What’s that noise?” I asked.

“It’s my laptop computer being opened up,” said ‘Agent Belken.’ Then more sounds followed, the sound of the beep of a computer being turned on.

There were noises coming from my cell phone as well, the sound of a heavy door opening and slamming, of a quick run, and the beep-beep of an automatic vehicle key starting and unlocking a recreational vehicle. I supposed that Walter needed his motorhome running to power his computers.

“Vell, Herr Owen,” said Heinrich. It seems we have five minutes to kill. I am curious. Tell me, why did you come here for Dr. Burke?”

It got quiet. I needed to tell the truth in a convincing manner here; these people would be able to tell if I was lying or not. “The truth is, gentlemen… many years ago I was in love with Dr. Burke’s wife, before they married. When I heard that she was in trouble, I set about to help. I did what I could and failed with most of it, but I’ve learned that I cared about the plight of their children and … since then, I’ve become friends with Dr. Franklin Burke as well. I came here because he is my friend.”

It remained quiet. I could hear the deep-voiced woman sob. Heinrich finally spoke. “Very admirable, Herr Owen. I’m not sure many of us would have done the same.”

“We’re here to make good,” I said. “To make peace. To try to set straight all we’ve done. To ask for mercy.”

I heard the computer beep again, and ‘Agent Belken’ said, “All funds have been restored to the Susan Lovely account.”

I heard the sighs of relief. I sighed as well. I think some of the voices had seen things my way.

“Step outside of the stall, Herr Owen,” said the east German.

“Yes. I will. It’s a little dark; give me a moment.”

Someone turned the lights on. I came out of the stall, with my eyes shut and face toward the floor. I didn’t want to see any faces in case my eyes opened.

“Come mitt us, Herr Owen.”

I felt myself being led out of the men’s restroom. I supposed that they were going to turn me over to the police, since now I was a liability to them and the Lovely Chocolate Company. At least I hoped that’s what they’d do!


We all filed out of the men’s room and back onto the workroom floor, where the sounds of rushing feet were heard. “You can look up, Mr. Owen,” said ‘Agent Huebner.’ “You need to see where you’re going.” I looked up to see the workers all exiting towards the front of the building, creating a running sea of people pouring out the doors. They were carrying equipment, like hammers, tools, buckets, anything that would take up room and space and cause noise and confusion. Then someone pulled an alarm, and the confusion only got louder, and more workers poured toward the exit and to the hallway and reception room area, which was packed with people pushing and yelling at each other.

There I was, surrounded by men whom I didn’t know, and they were taking me in that same general direction, out of the workroom and into the hallway which connected to the reception room. The men weren’t allowing me to walk freely by myself; I was hemmed in on all sides by Copyright 2016 - 2024