Love Your Life - Sophie Kinsella Page 0,100

begins in three minutes! Warwick family members and Harriet’s House ambassador Genevieve Hammond will be appearing on the main stage in three minutes! Come to the auditorium for today’s big reveal, news announcement, and panel discussion with Genevieve!”

Around me I can see people scurrying toward the back of the conference hall. I’d almost forgotten about the big event.

“I’ll come back later,” I say hastily to the stall owner, and hasten toward the auditorium, along with everyone else.

As I arrive, I flash my VIP pass, and am directed to a special section at the front. It’s pretty full, but there’s a spare seat on the end of the third row and I perch on it, trying to look inconspicuous, just as the lights dim and thumping music starts.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” says a hushed, disembodied voice, “welcome to this year’s Harriet’s World London Expo!”

At once, cheering and applause break out, and slightly reluctantly I clap along.

“And now I’m going to welcome our host to the stage…Genevieve Hammond!”

At once, screaming erupts. The music ascends to earsplitting volume, lights dance around the auditorium, and, looking like a rock star, Genevieve strides onto the stage.

“Hello, London!” she cries to the audience, her hair gleaming under the lights, and I can’t help snorting. Hello, London? Seriously?

But the whole audience loves her. They’re cheering and they’ve got their phones out and some are trying to take selfies with Genevieve in the background.

“I have so much to share with you today,” she says, beaming around. “News, fun stuff, the big reveal you’ve all been waiting for…” She waggles her eyebrows teasingly, and a couple of girls whoop. “But first, I want to welcome onstage the people who began it all…the family we love…our very special guests…John, Elsa, and Matt Warwick!”

Music sounds again, and the next minute Matt and his parents walk onstage. Elsa is dressed in a purple suit and frilly shirt and looks absolutely thrilled to be there, if self-conscious. John looks resigned, and Matt is standing with hunched shoulders, as though he can’t wait for the ordeal to be over.

“Mr. and Mrs. Warwick, Matthias…” begins Genevieve gushingly. “We are so honored to have you here. Writing my book, Harriet’s House and Me: A Personal Journey, which I’ll be signing later at a discounted expo price, no refunds, please leave five-star reviews online…” She draws breath and twinkles charmingly at the audience again. “Writing that, I was privileged to spend time with the Warwick family and learn about their legacy.” She blinks earnestly at the crowd. “It all began back in 1927, when Gertrude Warwick constructed a wooden dollhouse for her daughter. And now the magic of Harriet’s House has spread to every corner of the globe. You must be so proud of your heritage.”

She hands a microphone to John and waits, smiling.

“We’re very proud, yes,” says John stiffly.

“Extremely proud,” chimes in Elsa, grabbing the microphone from him. “And of course we’re very proud of you, Genevieve, for writing your wonderful book.”

She leads a round of applause, while Genevieve simpers.

“Well, you all helped me,” says Genevieve, looking bashful. “Especially Matt, of course. Ladies and gentlemen, this man is a hero.”

“I’m really not,” says Matt, with a tight smile.

“It’s true!” Genevieve opens her eyes wide. “He helped me so much with my research. And…this is no secret to any of you guys…” She lowers her voice to an emotional throb, looking around at the faces as though to make as much eye contact as possible. “He’s helped me so much…personally. Harriet’s House is about love and heart.” She blinks earnestly at the crowd. “And this man is all about love and heart.”

What? I stare at her furiously. She doesn’t get to say Matt is about love and heart. I do.

Genevieve grasps Matt’s hand and holds it up, and a cheer rises from the crowd.

“Get back together!” yells a voice from the rear, and Genevieve scrunches up her face as though she can’t hear.

“Sorry? What are they saying?” she says to Matt, with a laugh.

“Get back together!” The voice increases in volume.

“We love you, Matt!” cries a girl about three feet from me.

“You’re perfect together!” shouts another girl hysterically from across the room. “Genevieve and Matt forever!”

“Look, this really isn’t what we’re—” begins Matt, but Genevieve cuts straight across him. (I swear her microphone is turned up to a higher volume than everyone else’s.)

“That would be lovely in so many ways.” Her face droops a little sadly. “Because we did have a special magic together. But Copyright 2016 - 2024