Love Triangle Six Books of Torn Desire - Willow Winters Page 0,433

think. I know.” Bright eyes meet mine, surrounded by chiseled features—high cheekbones, strong nose, jutted chin. It’s a face I’ve seen thousands of times in my life. A face I’ve always loved…but in a way I doubt I’ll ever admit to anyone again, perhaps even myself.

“I’m glad she did.”

“Really?” Drew lifts a brow, my statement obviously taking him by surprise.

“You’re not?”

“Spending the day with you? Of course I’m glad. I just figured you’d—”

“Be upset?” I interrupt. “I guess a part of me was at first, but… I don’t know.” With a sigh, I lean against the seat, then glance back at him. “I think we needed a day to remind us what great friends we are. How we should never let anything come between that.”

Drew pulls his lips between his teeth, his shoulders falling. “Of course. Friends.” His voice sounds resigned.

“Yes.” I swallow hard. “Friends.” With a smile that doesn’t even come close to reaching my eyes, I open the door, stepping onto the driveway.

He’s quick to follow, walking me to my car. “Well, as your friend, if you need help tasting wedding cakes, I can make myself available for that. I’m sure Alyssa and Charlotte would also take one for the team.”

I lean against my car, laughing. “How very charitable of all of you.”

“Always happy to lend a hand, especially when cake is involved.” Winking, he crosses his arms over his chest. It doesn’t matter that he’s wearing a jacket. I can still make out the definition beneath. Wes is in decent shape. He works out and takes care of himself, but his arms don’t envelope me the same way Drew’s do.

I stare at him, hesitating. I don’t want to leave. What if, the second I pull out of this driveway, we lose everything we gained today? I don’t want to go back to the way things were before—having to walk on eggshells around Drew or avoid him altogether for fear I won’t be able to control my impulses.

Both of us unsure what to say, the moment builds, his stare deepening. Transfixed, he has that look again, the need I see pulling me toward him when I should be backing away. I can’t keep putting myself in this position, can’t allow the power he has over me to cloud what’s important, what’s right, what’s safe.

“Well…” I clear my throat, breaking the tension. “I guess I’ll see you Sunday night.” I reach for the door of my car and open it, about to duck behind the wheel when his voice stops me.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” he blurts out.

I pause, turning to face him. “Why?”

“No reason.” He shoves his hands into his pockets and shuffles his feet. There’s a hint of vulnerability about him, at complete odds with the macho hockey player most people know. But I know the real Andrew Brinks. He can knock a guy out on the ice, but when his daughters ask him to don a tiara and have a tea party, he doesn’t hesitate. I consider myself lucky to know that side of him. I guess that’s the side of him that’s helped me bury the hurt he’s caused.

“The girls want to go to the science museum. I was planning on taking them tomorrow. I thought you could come with us if you weren’t busy. They’d like that. You know… Friend.”

My shoulders fall. I’d love nothing more than to spend time with the girls. I barely see them much these days. But every free minute I have over the next few months is filled with wedding preparations. The schedule of events Mrs. Bradford sent earlier in the week probably rivals the royal itinerary.

“I’m sorry. I can’t. Our engagement photo shoot is tomorrow. After that, we’re meeting with the caterers to go over the menu, then with a florist to decide on centerpieces and bouquets.”

He smiles a small smile. “Say no more. I understand. Another time.”

“Yeah,” I respond in a low voice. “Another time.” I would love to blow off Mrs. Bradford’s plans, but I vowed to make an effort with Wes. I can’t ignore my wedding responsibilities to spend time with Drew. What kind of message would that send? I already don’t want to consider how Wes will react to the idea of him being with me today.

Drew checks his watch, then sighs. “Well, I should go get the girls.”

When he leans toward me, I still, the warmth of him so close making me forget how to breathe, how to move, how to think. I Copyright 2016 - 2024